Rubén, owner of more than 100 houses: “I am negotiating a land and with this climate, I plan to make touristic apartments”

Rubén, owner of more than 100 houses: “I am negotiating a land and with this climate, I plan to make touristic apartments”

Rubén Zaballos, CEO of 'MContigo', said that laSexta Xplica currently has around 200 homes, but “10 años pays rent de una habitación”. “En la vida, se puede prosperar con trabajo duro”, defense, a lo que addió que él considera que “todos estamos en el mismo barco, porque cuando compras vivienda, pagas un montón de impuestos”.

According to Zaballos, “the problem is that the flow of these taxes does not work well for the people who need it most, so what the Government can do is to eliminate the ITP or simplify the taxes paid by a developer”. “Yo construyo y estoy negociando la compra de un terreno en Malvarrosa, y es que el 30% de lo que te costesa construir un son impuestos. El terreno tenía licencia para hacer un edificio de viviendas, pero con este clima. I have a license“, he recognized.

At that time, the landlord announced: “We need millions of euros to build a building, we need legal protection.” “¿Let me have my country “Reviving me for black men?”