“You need this program“, comienza diciento Sandra Sabatés less El Intermedio. The presenter takes the word on a meaningful day: el November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Sabatés added, “Otra herida acordarnos de otra hago; me refiero a la violencia de género.”
During his intervention, the journalist reflects on this form of violence and says that it is “un riesgo que nos compagna a todas desde siempreporque hablamos de una violencia structural, a veces muy discreta y silenciosa. Very cruel and terrible descarnada.
In this context, remember the recent crimes that shocked the country: el The murder of a 15-year-old girl in Orihuela by her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend and the case of Estepa, where a man killed his wife in front of their 11-year-old son.
“Las mujeres against violence This is antigua como la propia humanidad realidaduna herencia terrible de un sistema patriarchal que se resiste a desaparecer,” commented Sabatés.
It is “destapar esta lacra, crear un leguaje para explicar lo que nos estaba pasando” or “consensos y leyes para trytar erradicarla”, la presentadora alerta sobre los avances desafes. According to the explanation, “nos percatamos de que esos consensos están cogidos con hilos” y que la sociedad enfrente un “danger of involution“deboto a los”ultra movies“que atacan al feminismo y buscan”using violence and abuse“.
“If this last wave of feminism was the great revolution of the early 21st century, the reaction came at the hands of the ultra machismo movement, which is very present in the media, networks and politics. ended the conquests of the feminist movement“, the journalist added.
Despite a real challenge, Sabatés stresses the importance of continuing the fight. “It should be noted It's not big enough“, señala. Advierte que “la majoria de las agresiones a las mujeres se siguen dando por hombres que llevan vidas zahiren normale” y critiquí la falta de apoyo efectivo para las mujeres que denunciar. a suerte”, he emphasizes.
Similarly, destaca el Basic education system for social change. “Es muy importante que los jóvenes, ellas y allos, entiendan que el feminismo nos hace mejores como sociedad”, she reflects.
Sandra Sabatés concludes with a message of determination and hope:We cannot let our guard down as the fight continues“.
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