Testimony of a sergeant who saved a one-month-old baby in Paiporta during DANA: “Me cogían de los brazos para que no se me fallese”

Testimony of a sergeant who saved a one-month-old baby in Paiporta during DANA: “Me cogían de los brazos para que no se me fallese”

Aurora solo Tenía un mes You can use DANA. Según ha revealed el periodico 'Levante', la riada sorprendió, el pasado de oktubre, a la pequeña, a su madre ya su abuela cuando iban en coche. Several of Paiporta's neighbors helped the girl stay safe: se refugiaron en una tienda de recambios de cochesubiendo a las oficinas de la segunda planta.

There, they found a suitcase that Aurora threw in to protect her, just in case hand agua siguiese subiendo. “La metimos allí por si tenía que flotar y la tapamos con chaquetas y un paño,” he answered. The situation will continue until the Civil Guard.

El sargento Del Río chronicled how this thrilling rescue unfolded on Al Rojo Vivo. “When he started lowering the water a little, we came out in a group of three or four,” he said, noting that they shouted that they were the Civil Guard because it was so dark. “Llevábamos linternas para tryar identifyar a gente que necesitas nuestra ayuda”, ha clarified.

Pronto, commenzaron a escuchar gritos de varias personas en una nave. “Vimos que estaban subidos entre escombros, palos y lodo”, ha indicado explained that they saw the baby's mother and grandmother there with several neighbors and a little girl.

“I echaron a la bebé como si fuese una pelotita”ha narrated, destacando que iba tapada con una manta. In addition, you can find something delicious, even if only a little. Recalling “Los compañeros cogían me de los brazos para que no se me fallese,” he revealed that one of the things that surprised him the most was seeing how the little girl slept despite what had happened.