A sewing machine was given to a woman who was dehydrated by a calf: “Thank you, I'm back to work now.”
Valencia became the scene of a touching story that touched the hearts of many. In
Valencia became the scene of a touching story that touched the hearts of many. In
Vecinos, voluntarios and even militares y policías desplegados Picania han podido comer este sábadocasero y
Mexican artist Roberto MarquezBased in Dallas (EEUU) and a self-described “trotamundos artist”, he traveled to
Dos semanas después de las inundaciones de la Calfmuchas calles continúan con escombros y barro
Las ayudas de 6,000 euros que la Generality dispupo para las persons cuyas viviendas resultsaron
El trabajo de los servicios say during emergencies Calf Ha quedado resumido en un instante
Almost 300 companies Han asked Temporary regulation (ERTE) de fuerza mayor For the damage caused