rain storm, In the southern half of the state of Teruel, which was forcefully unloaded this week, he moved to comarca del matarraña yesterday, where the carretera between Valderrobres and Alcañiz was cut off for hours by flooding, as well as TE-V-3350, the only access to Beceite due to landslides. Las Fuertes PreciTitaciones, De Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más de Más
La crecida del Matarraña created an incident in coastal towns such as Valderrobres and Mazaleón. donde anegó campos de cultivo y se produjeron pequeñas inundaciones. The flow of the river reached a maximum of 300 cubic meters per second while passing through the capital of Matarrana. Sus afluentes, como el Tastavins or el Ulldemó, también experimentaron outstanding increases de caudal. Bergantes in the Guadalupe basin reached 418 cubic meters per second, which according to the Aguaviva City Council makes it “one of the main caudal peaks as there are official records”.
Los mayores destrozos por la DANA are still concentrated in Montalban and La Hoz de la Vieja. en las Cuencas Mineras, donde el desbordamiento del Martín y sus ramblas enegó calles, inundó casas y arrastró coches, obligando esalojar de sus viviendas a 12 people. Yesterday, the Diputación de Teruel moved vehicles from the Área de Caminos Rurales to both locations to remove materials so that the water could return to its channel and stop it entering the houses.
“Está todo collapsed”
The mayor of Montalban, Carlos Sánchez, did not hide his concern about the consequences of the storm. “Tenemos todo el pueblo collapsed; estamos retirando mil y mil de tons de grava y piedras en camiones y parece no acabarse nunca“, he confirmed. The governor estimated that half a hundred houses were damaged, several of which had broken heating systems. Workshops and small businesses located in the factories below were seriously damaged. Classes in schools were suspended until the place was restored to normality.
In La Hoz de la Vieja, the walkways connecting the two areas of the tail of the rambla have been demolished and one of them isolated. A problem may occur before the safety is cleared.
A los pueblos que han sufrido inundaciones se sumó Libros, by the Turia flood, which carried the water 60 meters from the river to the Plaza de la Iglesia and inside the temple. Brigadas forestales limpiaban ayer con agua a pressure las calles y las installationaciones deportivas. Dozens of houses were damaged.
En Teruel, por las lluvias, An uninhabited and dilapidated house collapsed on Cuesta de los Molinos Street. The building was the garage of a single factory. Los cascots set off, causing a traffic shutdown on this road that connects the Carmen neighborhood with the Carretera de Alcañiz.
There are no obstacles in the Matarraña zone, la DANA parece remitir. Yesterday the autonomous road network was closed and the Diputación de Teruel reopened the TE-V-6016 from Villaspesa to the N-330, while the TE-V-1335 was closed in Mines Cuenca. Renfe has resumed train service between Zaragoza and Teruel, although the train connecting Teruel and Valencia continues to suspend service. In the last hour of the day, the Guardia Civil de Teruel reactivated the circulation of heavy vehicles in the direction of Valencia, releasing parking spaces on the axis of the A-23 highway. More than 400 trucks have been filled since Wednesday afternoon.
Desde la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro (CHE) advierten de que el Bergantes aun caudal del caudal repunte en curso y en las cabeceras del Matarraña y el Algars la tendencia es todava ascendente. The tail of Huerva in Zaragoza was stable last night and the first flood of Jalo was expected to reach Grisene late at night or early in the morning. La segunda crecida de este río estaba entre Cetina y Calatayud, si bien la CHE habla de caudales ordinarios que no estaba causar daños actuales.
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