Las alertas meteorológicas de EEUU que Envidia España: early warnings and excellent political coordination

Las alertas meteorológicas de EEUU que Envidia España: early warnings and excellent political coordination

Last October 9 Ron de SantisFlorida's governor compared with strict measures to evacuate Hundreds of miles of people On the eve of the arrival of Hurricane Milton. “Even if you weaken in the next few hours, it will be devastating,” he warned, addressing himself directly to his compatriots. “You re-possessed, nowhere to be foundIn parallel, Joe BidenThe EU president emphasized the importance of evacuationgoodbye o muerte“.

In politics, however, you can speak first of all to reach an agreement. evacuation plan y los medios para humanitarian aid. The first step is the authority of each state: the order to evacuate the diktat of each governor. Sin embargo, emergencies depend on la Casa Blanca to various agents of the federal states, especially FEMA (Agencia Federal de Gestión de Emergencias). According to the US media, the importance of such calls for coordination is far from polite.

The result of this joint action plan was that the “hurricane of the century” caused 60,000 million euros in damage, but only 16 fatalities. A circular estos vuelve, contrasting with the tragic deaths in Valenciana Comunidad and DANA. More than 150 deaths. It is important to emphasize that Florida was affected by it Hurricane Helen Milton, y que las victimas conjuntas de both desastres suman más de días antes de llegada 230.

In any case, that number is small for a hurricane that potentially affected most of the state's 22 million citizens. Ecologistas en Acción estimated that Florida had 0.73 deaths per million residents. More than 13 deaths per million in the Community of Valencia. Today, many praise the United States weather warning system and the communication of its leaders. “Imagine si alguien de peso hubiera salido a dar la cara“, the meteorologist assessed Francisco Martin Leon.

National Hurricane Center paper

Since 2017, the National Hurricane Center (NHC), a subsidiary of the National Weather Service (NWS) – the equivalent of Spain's State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) – is responsible for issuing warnings and alerts for all tropical or subtropical phenomena – hurricanes and storms – in the Gulf of Mexico and Costa Atlantica de EEUU. En 2023, además, el Hurricane Hilary The CDC is obliged to activate its first follow-up in California, en la Costa del Pacifico.

The reform allowed the NHC to issue warnings, watches, and alerts for tropical cyclones and other weather events that pose a significant risk to the public. las siguientes 48 hours. The former has to cope formación del huracan para etir el aviso de máximo nivel, but since 2017 “el avance de las tecniques de vision” they allow predicciones de confianza“.

No difference with Amete, que trabaja con observations: no se pasa a nivel rojo hasta comprador que se ha rebasado el máximo umbral de precipitación. Ese aviso pasa entonces a manos de cada autonomica instancia, que debe assignar su propio nivel de riesgo por zones set emergency activation. In Valencia, there is a delay between the red notice in the first hour of Tuesday 29th and the warning in the form of a mobile message at eight in the evening.

After notification, the NHC should provide all kinds of graphic documents in the form of maps, data and bulletins, which will inform not only the authorities but also the media and the public. Clothing suits based on a list of very destructive events propios names It started with hurricanes and was copied for high-impact storms in Europe.

In addition, the forecast package should include a forecast of the cyclone track updated at hourly intervals, accompanied by an assessment of associated risks. flooding potential de las zonas afectadas or las in marriage (storm surge). It is important to emphasize that this risk assessment is based on a relative impact agreement according to the affected area. Milton ambulance, for example, higher Tampa area aspectsdensely populated and vulnerable to flooding.

Covers agencies such as warnings Enfermedades control center (CDC) y la propia FEMA. In addition, in a society with a long tradition of dealing with natural disasters, Americans are forced to stay informed and hope to make preparations to adapt their homes, stockpile supplies or prepare to evacuate. Emple of the system Emergency Inalámbricas (WEA) warning It inspired our ES-Alerty que Use NHC directly sin pasar por otras authorities.

There is no perfect system: for example, los estudios defines after Hurricane Milton. The evacuation left them stranded ten miles estudiantes que no car permit. The reconstruction works proved the need to update the maps of non-flooded zones. Experts draw the attention of the Spanish: alta capacidad de alerta early y A great tradition of cooperation entre autoridades regionales y centrales.