Non-residents are restricted from entering the 12 municipalities of the city of Valencia, which was destroyed by DANA this Sunday.

Non-residents are restricted from entering the 12 municipalities of the city of Valencia, which was destroyed by DANA this Sunday.

Non-residents are restricted from entering the 12 municipalities of the city of Valencia, which was destroyed by DANA this Sunday.

El Diari Oficial de la Generalitat Valenciana is published by order Restrict pedestrian traffic a Doce municipios afectados por la dana por el aviso naranja por lluvias en esa zoneque podría complicar la situación y fcilitar los trabajos de for emergencies.

Los municipios a los que se stringe el acceso de personas son Aldaia, Alaquàs, Pincanya, Paiporta, Sedavi, Benetússer, Alfafar, Massanasa, Catarroja, Cherry, Beniparrell and Lloc Nou de la Corona.

Can be received now by order of the Conselleria de Justicia e Interior. medidas complementarias temporales and exceptions In the Community of Valencia as a result of the storm and wind that started on October 29, 2024 in the Community of Valencia.

Warranty mobile

Therefore, it has been agreed to continue the repair and cleaning works, and guarantee the mobility of all necessary and additional intervention services, on a temporary basis from 6:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. this Sunday. As those responsible for providing this supply basic water, energy and communication services and food distribution.

Thus, the movement of persons directed to twelve municipalities and the movement of pedestrians were restricted during the specified period. excluding services for centers, services and sanitariums; compliance with labor obligationsprofesionales, empresariales, institutional o legales, o el retorno al lugar de residence ordinary or familiar.

This is also allowed To be an assistant for mayors.

La orden recuerda que el día October 28 de 2024 la Comunitat Valenciana and de manera muy special la province de Valencia en su conjunto se está viendo DANA's impressive results and consequences are damaging to a person. las infrastructures without precedents.

He notes that all the resources from the various government departments, as well as from companies and other sectors, acting in coordination from the beginning, not only to help those affected, but also to restore the mayor los servicios basicos, puedan ejercer su tarea con seguridad y effectiveness.

Well, addida, es”fundamental guarantor su mobilidade priority character sobre cualquier otro usuario de la red viaria y de la Comunitat Valenciana”.

Contingencies, indicators, necessary consequences restrict circulation and transit on designated public roads to guarantee the mobility of all essential services and complementary interventions, as well as all companies that guarantee the provision of water, energy and communication, food distribution, repair and cleaning services, with the main objective of ensuring normal use by de los ciudadanos.

“Restriction is proportionate to the end pursued because it is a measure adopted la menos prejudicial para los derechos de trezos, “It doesn't last long, especially over time, and it's the only thing that can be taken to get to the bottom line,” he said.

Remember that the legal basis is Law No. 17/2015 of July 9, 2015 National Civil Defense Systemamong others, 7 bis, and 20 (Deber de collaboration y Fase de recovery), y la ley 13/2010, de 23 de noviembre, de la Generalitat, de la Protección Civil y Gestión de Emergencias contiene igules.

Based on the above, the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs issued order No. 4/2024 on November 1, 2024, taking temporary and exceptional measures.

Sin embargo, according to the reports submitted by the security agencies and forces of the state, the emergency services and the UME, expanded and confirmed in the development of CECOPI and after the appeals made in the aforementioned reports, se hace necesario manteniendo el carácter extraordinario y temporal, el Mobilidad contempladas de las limitaciones incremento in the previous plan.