From the Earth to the Moon: innovative pneumatics that overcome all challenges

From the Earth to the Moon: innovative pneumatics that overcome all challenges

From the Earth to the Moon: innovative pneumatics that overcome all challenges

You lose cambia We are more aware of our impact on the environment. There is a very important problem to solve the problem. De igual forma, no es beneficioso estancarse cuando creemos que ya lo estamos haciendo bien, sino que la forma avanzar es buscar cómo mejorar.

This is philosophy Michelin 135 years ago since its inception. Its tires are known worldwide for their durability and qualitysiendo clave la seguridad que transmiten a los dirijores incluso en las condiciones más exigentes. However, Ellos han decided not to conform and take forward steps in research and continuous development.

With an R+D+I budget of around 1.2 billion euros, one of their main concerns is environmental care. This made them convert un referente en la elaboración de neumáticos cada vez más sosteniblesmezclando y encontrando components que permit llegar chemicals and results are different.

It can be applied on the street.

Races in the practice camp can be raced together with stock cars. He developed the technology, which he later applied to utilitarian tires. Ahora han decidido dar un pequeño paso más, ¿o habría que decir un gran salto?

Innovative challenges: sick la luna…

Alcanzar is necessary for nuevas cotas de desarrollo and desafícios. That's why Michelin accepted it reto que la NASA les ha propuesto con el objetivo de Develop and deploy a Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LUL) at the South Pole of the Moonwhere conditions are extreme.

This Lunar Wheel will have to operate at temperatures above 100°C and below -240°C, withstand solar and galactic radiation, and guarantee maximum stability and traction in aggressive wastelands. Clause Neumático fault aire solution desarrollar Adapted to VTL, the company draws on high-tech expertise and knowledge gained from previous collaborations with NASA.

El conocimiento de Michelin helps them create tires for extreme conditions.

This problem includes the development of tires Reduzcan la resistance a la rodadura y sean even más resistentes en las situaciones más complejas. This technology not only opens up new opportunities in space exploration, but also has applications on our planet. Lo aprendido en este ambiente hostil puede ayudar a crear compuestos más duradores y effectives en terrenos difficulties or climas adversos.

…y más allá del neumático: desarrollo tecnologico in other fields

Although Michelin is known to the general public as the tire company, the reality is about that A company based on technology and innovation. It covers many different sectors of those who can offer different offers online with respectable development of the environment.

One of them is his project Wisamoen el que han utilizado su experiencia para automated systems and resistances to ensure the barcode of goods. Every day, 300 tons of fuel are used in maritime trade, which is a significant amount of pollutant emissions. Working on decarbonizing the seas, they came up with the idea to harness visible energy and propel boats.

Wisamo ayuda a navegar los siete mares reduces burning consumption.

As it was done in ancient times, Proponen usar la propulsión eólica to reduce the environment de los buques mercantes. For this, they have developed a strong and efficient sail system. Wisamo is an automated inflatable telescopic device to reduce fuel consumption by 20%. March 2022 MN Pelican, Spain and UK merchandise barcode.

However, Michelin shows that it has been a focused company for 135 years seguir desarrollando alta tecnologia, teniendo siempre presente el cuidado del planetay esforzándose por diversifyarse en nuevas áreas. And all this is reflected in its solutions: safe, durable and sustainable.

    Developed by ALAYANS STUDIO.