Donald Trump has no trinity in Spain

Donald Trump has no trinity in Spain

Donald Trump has no trinity in Spain

Donald Trump's motto is “Make America Great Again”. (Photo: Europa Press / Edna Leshowitz)

Las commercial stores en Espana no han visto un repunte en la requesta de Products related to Donald Trump. La icónica gorra roja con el lemma “Make America Great AgainThe campaign can be presented anywhere, everywhere, and can interest Spanish consumers.

El Chivato Hablado con varias tiendas especializados en corte estadounidense, donde se pueden concontrar articles Camera of Trump's image, sweatshirts, t-shirts, posters y decorations for other accessories United States flagasí como la mítica gorra roja.

These products, which are also available through platforms like Amazon and AliExpress, no han tenido el esxito que algunos mercantiles anticipaban Before the victory of the Republican candidate and when we saw the fire that these products made in the United States.

At Trump's rallies, all supporters wore red hats With the slogan “Make America Great Again” used by Trump in his 2016 campaign, which he called “the greatest political movement this country has ever seen.”

Según commentan los mercantiles consulted, Interest in these types of articles has been low in the past few months, far from the enthusiasm that generated similar products at other times. For example, in the decade from 2000, fashion la bandera estadounidez in Spain: era muy común verla en sudaderas, pulseras, camisetas, fundas del mobile…

Los datos que proporcia a El Chivato Today you can have products that reflect Spain. Only 20 Donald Trump themed camisetas and no caps were sold in the last month.

On the contrary, las tiendas admiten que los artículos de corte politico que realente han caught the attention of the Spanish public. han sido aquellos relacionados con el amíto national.

Las camisetas con eslóganes locales, como “I Gusta la Fruta” [que se refiere a la popular frase que pronunció la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso] he “Más sabe el perro por perro que por Sanxe” [el meme sobre el presidente del Gobierno, Pedro Sánchez]que han surgido como repuesta a las recientes controversias de la Politica ispañola, han experienced “boom spectacular” and ventas.

A woman who supports Donald Trump. (Photo: Europa Press / Dave Decker)