Explore sex with France Slimane at Eurovision 2024

Explore sex with France Slimane at Eurovision 2024

Las autoridades francesas, acoso sexy al cantautor Frances Slimane, que quedó en cuarta posición en Eurovision 2024track Admitre a trámite la denuncia presented the finale of October por un técnico que trabajó con el artista en una de sus giras.

According to the BFMTV channel, the Fiscalía de Saint-Étienne (south-eastern France) has launched an investigation against Slimane “based on the facts.Use electricity for sexual agravado“.

Los hechos denunciados would happen on the night of December 17, 2023 He also performed in Saint-Etienne, where he was an actor and contestant in several television programs.

El técnico relata que durante una posterior fiesta, en la sala Zénith de Saint-Étienne, Slimane pushed him against the wall and forced him to hug him.

El cantante de ascendencia argelina, cuyo nombre es Slimane Nebchi, dijo al técnico que queria maintainer relaciones con él.

The complainant rejected her, telling her that she was not interested, that she was heterosexual and that she was married, but the singer of Avant wedding he Panama He insisted y lo metió en su dressingino, hasta que el técnico se marchó de manera abrupta.

Nothing, nothing, during the nocturnal journey of the team, the artist was dedicated to sending during two hours and media “una Many messages and videos of a sexual naturede tipo pornographic,” according to the plaintiff's attorneys.

No company information brought back his técnicos del conjunto de la tourin addition to informing the shows production company Cupidon Tour.

35-year-old Slimane represented France at Eurovision this year with a song Mon Amourwon the French edition of the competition La Voz in 2016.