Fernando Lopez Heritage Apply for funding at Spanish universities: “There is no dialogue with the Autonomous Communities Antes de la Ley Orgánica del Sistema Universitaria (LOSU), y eso gena disfunciones”.
The president of the Murcia region made this statement at the opening ceremony of the General Assembly of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) held at the University of Murcia this year. En este acto, el jefe del Ejecutivo Murciano emphasized that “It is important to reach 1% of PIB for universities“.
Sin embargo, 1% against Comunidades, El Gobierno nos terrá que dar lo mismo a todas“. López criticizes the dynamics of Miras “yo invito y tú payas que se da también en la Ley de Dependencia, en la que teniendo que afrontar las Autonomías el 50%, está paying tan solo el 20% or 25%”.
In the same line, he took the opportunity to mention the underfunding of the Region of Murcia, one of his main complaints against the central government: “If all the autonomous communities of Spain They study more than Murcia regiontodas las deás communities tienen más fácil llegar al 1%”.
In this context, it highlights the road map established by the regional government with the help of the universities, thereby achieving the “university system” of the Region of Murcia. Stronger and more competitive every day“.
Log in to Plurianual Plan Plurianual de Financiación, dotado de unevo. 1,850 million euros for the next five years Gobierno Regional Universidades Publicas to enter the financial center of autonomy.
Likewise, López Miras emphasizes that the regional government is working on projects like this in collaboration with public universities. Murcia Universities of the New Region y la Ley de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, además del nuevo Industrial Plan de la Region de Murcia: “Cooperation relations, vamos de la mano y estamos avanzando va una hoja ruta que valosstivos que valosstivos.”
“Nuestras universidades son centros de conocimiento, research, innovation and talent,” concluded the autonomous president. “Las Administrations respaldar, proteger and impuls a las universidades para dotarlas de los resources needed“.
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