El Juzgado de Primera Instancia and Instrucción número 1 de Briviesca ha admitted a trámite la requires en precario presenta por el arzobispo de Burgos on the contrary Exmonjas del Monsterio de Santa Clara de Beloradoque fueron excomulgadas el pasado June tras su salida voluntaria de la Iglesia.
Learn about Arzobispado en nota de prensa. plazo diez días to stay out of the competitional tiempo que se ofrece la possibility de celebrar una vista el 19 de diciembre. According to the archbishop, January 23, 2025 has also been set for initiation practice if the defendant does not appear in legal form.
Además, ha encomendado a la Civil Defense la taska de identify the persons occupying the buildingbesides themselves exorcismpues la talagata includes the permanent identity of a monastery under the guise of legal authorization.
Sin embargo, no afecta and las cinco monjas mayores, que no fueron excomulgadas al que no tomaban parte del schisma religioso, y que actualmente constituente la comunidad monásticas de Belorado, a ojos del Arzobispado, y living legally in a monasteryhan apuntado El decreto de admission a trámite, que ha sido comunicado al Arzobispado este viernes, equally states that the opposition of the defendant can only be based on the presence or lack of title sufficient to have a house in front of the actor. from the actor's side.
The Archdiocese of Burgos reported that Our Lady of Aránzazu immediately paid attention to the elderly sisters in the same Belorado convent of the Poor Clares Federation. Transfer of sisters from other monasteriesen cuanto las exreligiosas no impidan su acceso.
El pasado martes, través de otra comunicación, el Arzobispado ya de que ante la baja la labora de la persona que cuida a las más mayores reported on, he caught a person for his attention, but que cuando se personó en el convento no access permission.
Las exmonjas was waiting for the request to be accepted
El abogado de las exreligiosas, Florentino Aláez explained it repetitive demands And it must be communicated to those affected, positively, something that does not exist. Aláez insisted that it is normal for the court to accept to complete the request, it is mandatory except for the defect of form, but now it opens a period of ten days -habiles, o, matizado, por lo que se transforman en quince- para que las exreligiosas den respuesta.
The deadline to be calculated for each of them after the decision is announced may prolong the procedure because they have to report it one by one, he insisted and also. available la possibility de presentar recursode ahí que el abogado considere “very adventurous” que se hable del 19 de diciembre como fecha para la vista.
Francisco Canals is an amazing place. “Istán Optimistas” And he remembered that they were waiting for this resolution, because such requests are accepted in court, but this does not mean an immediate decision of the monastery, it is “a death sentence”, Canals stated.
Six months have passed since the beginning of the crisis
The nuns of the Convent of Santa Clara de Belorado, which includes the Derio and Orduña communities in Bizkaia, last May 13 presented the Catholic Manifesto and Carta su salida de la Iglesia católica.
On May 29, Mario Iceta, archbishop of Burgos, was appointed by the Holy See as papal commissioner with full economic, real estate and religious powers over the community, and he sent a charter for him of fifteen women religious. para ratificar una por una su salida in the church tribunal.
Out of production, 22 years old, Iceta firmó los decretos de excommunication against the religion, excommunication from la vida consecrada, petition to leave the monastery of Belorado. El pasado 16 de sentiembre, the archbishop presented requires On the contrary, there is nothing abandoned for different motives; con la admísme a trámite comunicada este viernes, disponen de ten días para dar respuesta al juzgado
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