El nuevo megacontrato del FC Barcelona for Nike: 120 million, in 2038, bonus for renewal…

El nuevo megacontrato del FC Barcelona for Nike: 120 million, in 2038, bonus for renewal…

El nuevo megacontrato del FC Barcelona for Nike: 120 million, in 2038, bonus for renewal…

El FC Barcelona y la multinational Nike They have reached an agreement that can be reported to the Azulgrana club the highest sports patronage availableun contracto que se espera que sea firmado imminentente.

President of Barcelona Joan Laportaconvocó de emergency este viernes a la directive de forma telemática para State the termsunas directrices que el equipo dirigente ha was accepted, según informationó Rac1.

The club has no official terms, but none the less. “The most important job in the world in football”.

However, it is known that the relationship between FC Barcelona and Nike will be extended until 2038 and will consist of two phases. From 2024 to 2028, from 2025 to 2038, the club mejorará worth 45 million euros. In addition, cuenta con una prima de novacion próxima a los 100 milliones. He earns 120 million euros per season.

You can get both pieces on sale using the 'e-commerce' department at Nike. El Barça discussed the possibility of monitoring electronic salesIncrease your invoicación en este sentido account.

Tense negotiations

The contract with Nike expires in 2028, and the deal includes Barcelona's Puma and It includes plants produced by the manufacturer and distributorlo que que a un contencioso entre el club y Nike que acabó en los tribunales y la justicia le dio la razón a la la multinational estadounidez.

Temporada principles can be seen in Laporta explicó en una The terms of the contract have been improved y aseguró que “cuando se firme” series “el mejor contrato del mundo del fútbol”.

“Let 1:1 solve your problem. trabajamos for the best contratos for Barça y ahora estamos en ese processo de negociación”, he assured then.

Ahora falta que los dirigentes de la multinational del boomerán also confirms the agreed conditions for the conclusion of the contract. “practically extremely”según pudo saber EFE, y que podría producirse ya la próxima semana como muy pronto.

In any case, the partners of the blue entity after the agreement is reached son los que tandera que aprobar el compromiso between both parts.