The PP has drawn up a 13-measure plan to help those affected by DANA, which will be presented to the Government this afternoon, with a view to enshrining it in a decree law expected to be approved by the Council of Ministers this Monday.
Subsidies for renewal and renovation of vehicles (worth 100,000 in the municipality of Valencia), acondiconar las infrastructures hydricas para evitar nuevas inundaciones.
Tras la multitudinaria manifestation was celebrated on Saturday in Valencia, Economía del PP vice-secretario. Juan Bravoha rueda de prensa recognized that muchos españoles se sienten “decepcionados” la clase politicaAccording to DANA management.
“La sociedad valenciana está passando por un momento muy fícil, compartimos su dolor, Many valencianos se han sentido solos y abandonedos“, the famous director said.
However, he reaffirmed his party's support for the president of the Generalitat. Carlos MazonA compromise for the PP and to normalize the comunidad Valenciana: “Nos vamos dejar la skin“, ha recalcado, “sabemos que es un camino largo, but in the end, the patient replied que hayamos ir cada una de las necessitas, a cada ciudadano y pueblo”.
Juan Bravo expressed his “respect” to the demonstrators demanding the resignation of the president of the Generalitat from the recorrió las calles de Valencia on Saturday.
However, 31 policies and various radicals created more violence. They tried to set fire to the door of the Valencia City Council), la misma hour at la celebrada, convocadas por groupos de extrema derecha, ante la sede socialista de la calle Ferraz en Madrid.
“Violence, confrontation and vandalism will never be the answer“, ha dicho al respecto.
Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolañosmantiene esta tarde una reunición telemática (at 16:30) Contact PP Miguel Tellado and Juan Bravo, as part of his contacts with various parliamentary groups to inform him The King's decree of assistance will be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers tomorrow.
Some of the measures PP leaders will ask Bolanos to include in the legislative initiative include:
Las inundaciones de Valencia han From 80,000 to 100,000 cars were destroyed In the province according to the first estimates.
El PP offers more Plan Moves 14,000 euros for the purchase of electric carsplug-in hybrids or hydrogen. In addition, the Upgrade Plan with grants of up to €10,000 for the purchase of vehicles with any other technology.
El PP, in the same way, for this subsidy 50% of the price (up to 40,000 euros) and for industrial companies for autonomy and empresas.
The PP's plan to present to the Government this afternoon includes interest-free IRPF payment deferrals, housing redevelopment tax cuts and cuts to Economic Activity Tax (IAE) for 2025. Also, Bienes Inmuebles (IBI) to reduce tax Effects. Considering that the latter is a municipal tax, the PP asks the Government to compensate the affected municipalities for the loss of revenue.
Infrastructure hydraulics
Los populares claim that the Nazirio de Transición Ecológica is compromising on investments not only for the cleaning of rivers and canals, but also to prevent the risk of future floods.
The priority at this point, PP says, is to guarantee the temporary or permanent relocation of families who have lost their homes due to the floods. Para ello requesta que puta su disposibilidad el parque de viviendas del Sareb y que secree un registro de requestantes de realojo temporale or permanent.
Ventanilla Única
The PP also proposes the creation of an Internet portal that can depend on the Ministry of Finance as a one-stop shop to process and simplify all government assistance to those affected.
In the province of Valencia, more than 90 educational centers are affected by the destruction, so thousands of children cannot resume their studies. El PP asks the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, to create a Fondo Educamos to contribute to the recovery of educational activities in the affected areas.
The reconstruction of the infrastructures of the Valencian Community destroyed by DANA has not yet started and may be extended for months or even years. PP asks the government to provide the necessary funds to fulfill this task in the medium and long term.
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