Juana Fernández announced that Trump announced before Harris that “the President of the Sea is difficult to think of the EEUU que una mujer sea”.

Juana Fernández announced that Trump announced before Harris that “the President of the Sea is difficult to think of the EEUU que una mujer sea”.

in La Roca, Contact Nuria Roca directly with the program's correspondent in New York, Juana FernandezClause analyze the defeat Kamala Harris ante Donald Trump en su carrera por la Casa Blanca. “No, no tomado… digamos que ha habido una gran sorpresa. “Las encuestas fallan o la gente miente,” Fernández begins.

“I calmed down,” said Nuria Roca desde el plató, para después preguntarle cuál podría haber sido el factor clave Kamala Harris lost the election.

In this sense, Juana Fernández lo achaca a la Lack of primaries in the Democratic Party. “No ha habido primarias, es decir, Los democrats do not favor anything“, senala. Algo fundamental en lassecciones.

“Of course, to contact Biden in principle, nadie se ha atrevido a decirle a Biden que no se volvise a presentationy después de ese desastre de debate colocaron and Kamala“the reporter explains.

In the same way, Juana emphasizes that it is a “difficult” thing for a woman to come to the oval office. “Contact EE. UU. It is difficult for a woman to be president“The situation is understandable He performed the song “With Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris”..