- “Possible compensation for damages”
- Hospitalization and medical care
- Expenditure write-offs in ISFAS
- El teniente spent 2,390 euros per year
- Prestaciones complementarias
El Teniente de Infantería de Marina retired José Manuel Candón Ballesteros A few months ago, he received a notification from the Ministry of Defense that he refused to pay compensation for the physical consequences he suffered as a result of a crime committed under the concept of paternal responsibility. Accidental mine explosion Academia de Ingenieros del Ejército, stop extinguishing the most explosives. Hoyo de Manzanares (Madrid).
Explosion In February 2011, five soldiers were killed: los sergentos 1º Sergio Valdepeñas Martín Buitrago and Mario Hernández Mateo and el cabo Miguel Ángel Díaz Ruiz, del Ejército de Tierra and el sergento 1º Víctor Manuel Zamora Letelier and el cabo 1º Mariña de Jamez, 1º de G.
The result gravemente heridos El teniente Candón and brigadier Raul Alfonso González Fernández, y sufrió leves el cabo 1º Herminio Alvarez Gómez, los tres de Infantería de Marina.
All of them were preparing to deploy as personal EODs to the UN mission in southern Lebanon, Explosive deactivators.
“Possible compensation for damages”
The trial of this fatal accident was archived, but the First Territorial Military Tribunal decided in an order dated June 2022 to take statements from the individuals and send them “to the Minister of Defense, if deemed necessary in light of the proven facts.” los trámites legales pertinentes para la relevant to start las victimas and possible compensation for los daños sufridos An accident occurred as a result of the investigation Parental responsibility of administration“.
El teniente Candón por su cuenta is presented Defense Minister una reclamación de responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios que sufrió como consequencia del kazae.
The initial calculations of the instructor are intended for partial reclamation, the final solution of la resolution. Be exempt from patrimonial responsibility al teniente wounded en el faile, allegando que se tenía que aplicar el principio de “cosa juzgada” -acorde con un dictamen del Consejo de Estado-, y tampoco aceptó pagar para resarcir los possibles daños morales, “toda vez que dridator variant” of quebranto económico al tesoro publico”.
Minister Margarita Robles, firmó esa resolution, “suitable” Under the conditions proposed by the General Auditor María Eugenia Ruiz Hernández, Recursos e Información Administrativa del Nazirio de Defensa.
Hospitalization and medical care
In the document, the Minister of Defense claimed that he was resarcido económicamente a este teniente who retired from the Infantería de Marina: “Debe standartse la The range and quantity of different concepts recognized and subscribed to by the claimant“.
For this use “percepciones periodicas”. Pensión extraordinaria de retiro por insuficiencias de condiciones psicofísicas en acto de servicio; le ha abonado Amounts required.
Enter the principal amount for protection:
–“Hospitalization and medical care were not provided by ISFAS.que por performances different concepts (pharmacy, ortho-protésicas y assistenciales) ha abonado la quantity de 9,100.36 euros“.
Expenditure write-offs in ISFAS
Confidential Digital ha podido saber que, a raiz de esa resolution, el teniente retired Candón sent una request al Instituto Social de las Fuerzas Armadas (ISFAS)Simejanza de Muface for the General del Estado Administración funcionadores de Muface, the body that administers health care for the military.
La candidab indicaba for Defensa como gastos medicos derivates del accident, que habian sido covered por el ISFAS, no le cuadraba, así que pidió que le mandaran un desglose de esos gastos.
Answer your query General Sub-Director of Prestaciones del ISFASla kolkovnik medico Ana Betegón, que le remitió un documento on prestaciones desglosadas.
Esos 9.100,36 euros que Defensa esgrimió estaban desglosados with los siguientes concepts:
— Interregional dysplaza economics: 3,246.65 euros.
— Hospedaje, alimentación y transporte de un companante: 2,911.90 euros.
— Orthoprosthesis and acto de service: 1,120.00 euros.
— Farmacia en acto de servicio: 312.49 euros.
— Prestación Pharmaceutica (from 2012 to July 2024): €630.32.
— Prestaciones complementarias (2012-2024): €979.
El teniente spent 2,390 euros per year
Jose Manuel Candon suffered several injuries as a result of the explosion of the explosives training material. heridas muy graves.
Estuvo was hospitalized for monthstuvenon que sometérle a Multiple surgical interventionsy quedó con results graves: for example, he lost one eye and the sight of the other.
Cuando el teniente Candón presented la melioration de responsabilidad advertising, indicó que él incurre en “un”. Expenditure of €2,390 per year for pharmaceutical products and drugs not reimbursed by ISFAS (parche oftálmico, cremas oculares, lágrimas artificiales)”.
The General Sub-Director of the Ministry of Defense approved the decision dated 20th of 2020, make sure that various drugs and products are impossible. – redeemable character.
Candón denounces 9,100.36 euros to the Ministry of Defense, including esgrimidos, among other amounts, to justify that he has already received sufficient economic compensation, partidas que no tienen que ver con su accident.
Señala que sólo están vinculadas directamente a los losses loss of explosion de Hoyo de Manzanares dos partdas: la orthoprosthesis and acto de servicioque es el ojo de cristal que le colocaron para sustituir el globo ocular que perdió (1,120.00 euros), y los costs de “Farmacia en acto de servicio” (€312.49).
On receiving ISFAS's response, he confirmed to his surprise that the Minister of Defense had used a figure of more than €9,000 in his arguments, which included concepts unrelated to the accident.
If this soldier had not suffered an ordnance explosion during an explosive ordnance disposal exercise in February 2011, he would have continued his military career as normal. todos estos años transcurridos habría seguido siendo afiliados del ISFASy por lo tanto habría recibo atención médica por asuntos ordinarios.
Prestaciones complementarias
Tambien was amazed to see that he included the concept for €9,000. “Complementary services”.
La Resolución 4B0/38008/2014, de 15 de enero, del Instituto Social de las Fuerzas Armadas, sobre Cartera de Services de Asistencia Sanitaria del ISFAS, recoge en el Annex V las “prestaciones complementarias”.
Son las prestaciones teeth (fundas, coronas, empastes, endodoncias, limpieza bucal…), las prestaciones oculars (glasses, lenses) and other technical means such as headphones, cannulas…
Así que el teniente Candón teme que se hayan incluido los costs en Dentist y las ayudas para glasses que hayan podido recibir él, su mujer y sus hijos, cubiertos por el ISFAS como familiares de militar.
Añade que considera reducudades las quantitas que se le habría paydago por ayuda al desplação, y de hospedaje, alimentación y transporte de su compananteFor the time he had to move to Madrid and was admitted to the Hospital Central de la Defensa Gomez Ulla.
At best, considering the costs, considering their concepts, no compensation hand daño sufrido: tan solo cover (en parte) el coste que tuvo que afrontar su familia en esos momentos.
Además, the main ayudas desplação for afectado better military, attached to ISFAS, que deba viajar para recibido atencio médico: de nuevo, señala que no son quantías quantías que correspondente totalmente a los deysing, sequelas y consecuencias del de Hoyo de Manzanares accident.
It costs 312 euros for “farmacia en acto de servicio” including other pharmaceutical coverage of 630 euros. los tratamientos Pharmaceuticals que sigue teneido que applicarse por las sequelas le cuestan between 200 and 250 euros per monthque paga de su bolsillo y no le cubre ISFAS. In addition, the most candidates have been collected.
El teniente José Manuel Candón criticizes that the resolution of the Ministry of Defense shows not only the expenses of ISFAS, which he considers foreign, but also the amount he received for its rescue. Plan de la Pensiones de la Administración General del Estadoque cubre a los militares.
De nuevo, que ese dinero no supone ningun tipo de compensacion. Take military action to capitalize the retirement plan, which is related to retiro cobra. It has nothing to do with the concept of an irresponsible ancestor.
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