En una época en la que muchos menospreciaban la existence del climate change anthropogénico or directe lo jahil, Antonio Ruiz de Elvira SierracProfessor of Applied Physics at the University of Alcala de Henares, he pioneered the dissemination of information about global warming in Spain. Now, nearly thirty years after its first advance publication in some of the country's most important mainstream media, silent articles explain Atmospheric dynamics Those responsible for the disaster in the Community of Valencia, translated into different languages, help us understand both the causes and the solutions we have.
¿What factors will be loaded in DANA on October 29?
First of all, las 'gotas frías' were traditionally held in late October and early November in Spain. But now there are episodios of huge rainfall todo el año. For example, there was one in the Balearic Islands in early September. It's not just about rain and floods, we have more and more climate extremes: desperate heat and frost in the crops of Bajo Aragon and Lérida. Of course, there have been extreme events in the past, but the current ones are very repetitive and very intense.
Climate changes of the past, moreover, current climate change, do not allow us to foresee the impact on our urbanism and energy consumption.
Effectively. The problem is not caused by the effects of climate change caused by the location of the planet. Se debe a que somos muchos más en la Tierra y tenemos que vivir en algún lado. In Valencia, Malaga or Murcia, they always lived in a garden, next to the Rambla and next to the water. Ahora no podemos llevarnos las manos a la cabeza: hay que entender lo que está pasando, lo que va ocurrir y que medidas podemos tomar para corregirlo.
Isn't this also a time of great hydrological contrasts, extreme droughts and flash floods?
Claro, but no solo nuestro caso. In northern Italy, the bed of the Po River, which historically irrigated crops, has dried up. In Colombia, one of the rainiest countries in the world, areas with great drought east of the Andes, in the Amazon and Orinoco, and on the western side of the mountain range in Bogotá, they suffer almost the same in Valencia.
Do you need to understand that in Spain the planning of the area is done in a completely different climate, the buildings are no longer reliable?
It is probably purely embalses, but it may be restored. These are the thoughts that come back when there is another pattern of precipitation and temperature. There are no instructions for channels, channels and channels. We must abandon hydraulic, engineering and environmental dogmas and see with our own eyes, not what we read in textbooks.
¿Qué lecciones se pueden aprender de la DANA del 13 de noviembre and comprásiona con la más destructive de 15 días?
The beginning, que dar la alerta y que la gente se quede en casa salva vidas, but no evita destrozos. No rain in Seville, but no hail, but Malaga, Valencia and even the Baleares are against it. Traditionally, the canals that we call rambla are canals that are filled with water when it rains and dry the rest of the time. If they reach 1700 cubic meters per second, this is an irresistible force. Are you celebrating? Retener el agua en origen cuando va flojita, en las laderas de las montañas. Debemos conseguir que permee el suelo y crezca vegetação y bosques. If we can't get that, we have to open the channels.
¿Abrir los cauces? What does it consist of?
The volume corresponds to the square of the transverse dimensions. Even if you are 20 meters away, more than 100 meters away, it is very simple. There is nothing. Tampoco against ecology, fauna and flora.
You have been a pioneer in climate awareness. How do you feel now that we are exposed to preventable effects?
I started writing about climate change 25 years ago. Ya trabajaba sobre el tema, pero pensé que tenía que divulgar lo que sabía, contar lo que se nos venía encima. It will do no harm. I went to the ministries, asked them to stimulate photovoltaic cells, wind energy, hydrogen, and everything is now more or less working. However, it should be noted Cumbre del Clima in Bakuy fronte al palacio de congresos se ven las bombs que están sacando Petroleum Congressamente. We are not stopping the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and we will not be able to do so for at least 30 years.
What are the consequences of the acceleration of climate warming we are experiencing?
Atmospheric CO2 warms the Arctic, causing ice to melt in the Siberian and Canadian tundra. The effects we produce: on the one hand, the emission of huge amounts of methane and the absorption of heat on a part of the planet, because the albedo effect that provides the ice while reflecting sunlight is lost. From here until 2050, the planet's temperature is almost certain to continue to rise; después, no lo sé.
¿Cómo valora el hecho de que? The objective of the Acuerdo de Paris was not fulfilled Limit temperature to 1.5ºC in 2030?
Hay un dicho en español: “The rich se hace más richo and the poor se hace más pobre”. It's about the economy, but it's also happening with the environment. Recent events do not fit any line, there is no solution. Retroalimentan y crecen cada vez más deprisa hasta que de vez en cuando se rompen. Now the climate is increasing with energy. 25 years ago we could have stopped it, but now extreme events are here and they will continue to grow. Calor, sequía, subida del nivel del del mar… Comparable to more than 30 spain after experience. Si sube el nivel del mar, se socavan los cimientos y los edificios ababan cayendo.
¿Do you have a question about the global anthropogenic calendar at DANA on October 29 in Valencia?
You contact absolutely directly. El He is 50 years old. There is more water vapor over the Mediterranean Sea, surrounded by a coastal chain from Cape San Vicente in Portugal to the Pyrenees, and the Moroccan Atlas on the other side. This is the caldera. In the Polar Norte calendar, there are adults at the poles. Perfect for DANA: it cools the vapor as it descends and turns it into liquid water droplets. For 20 days, but no problem for 50 years.
Do we know that the Mediterranean Sea in Spain is one of the centers of global warming?
No, no creo que lo seamos, but no queremos serlo. I remember, as a professor in Alcala de Henares, we gave a conference in the Plaza de Cervantes. Había familias con niños, gente meor, pero los jóvenes que passaban metían la cabeza en la carpa, escuchaban cosas de cambio climática y se iban asustados.
What will be the priorities for adaptation and resilience after the Paiporta tragedy?
The most urgent thing is to open the channels to prevent the water from rising into the houses. You can get into a complicated situation, which in turn means getting very valuable products. Second, it tries to keep the water where it falls. Capturarla en lo alto y no dejar que se formen torrents, se unos con otros y al final arrasen con todo lo que encuentra su passo.
¿And how consistent are you, I have no son?
I am referring to the work that allows the water to drain. The idea is that it would be better, but in my opinion, it would be very difficult. Además puede llenar las tierras secas de España de fauna and flora, y producir bosques. This solution: more cauces, mañana frenar el agua donde cae.
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