Los Neanderthals que residían en la cave Prado Vargas, in Merindad de Sotoscueva (Burgos), fueron los The first collections of history. A study published in the journal Fourth period Indicates that a species is different Homo sapiens was able to create the first collection of fossils. In fact, Fosiles marines del Cretácico Neanderthals moved into the void where they set up their camp, informed the research team in a press release.
The scientific paper was prepared by Professor Marta Navazo of the University of Burgos in collaboration with researchers from the academic institution, the National Research Center for Human Evolution (CENIEH), the University of Malaga and the Museum of Human Evolution. El trabajo ha compido en Analyzer los quince fossiles marinos Since 2016, they have been discovered during systematic excavations of the 46,000-year-old level 4 of the site.
El estudio taxonómico de los fossiles ha verdi como resultado que todos ellos pertenezen al filo de los molluscos (Mollusca), except for one of them, corresponds to the filo en el que se engloban los erizos de sea (Echinodermata). De los molluscos, la mitad pertenecen a la clase de los bivalvos (Bivalvia) y la otra mitad a la de los gasterópodos (Gastropoda), y dentro de los gasterópodos, the best represented family with six specimens is tylostoma (Tylostomatidae).
Los tylostomas son fossiles que pertenecen a la misma clase que los real police stations y que pueden alcanzar los 10 cm, poseen una concha holostomada, con varias espiras, la ultima de las cuales es de major tamaño. Los fossiles de tylostomas caracoles que habitaron sobre la found in Prado Vargas cave. superficie de fundos marinos poco profundos Millions of dollars, cretácico superior production cuya formación, entre los 100 y 66 milliones de años. Es decir many millions de años antes appearance of the first hominins.
Los neandertales de la cueva de Prado Vargas, in the ongoing recorrido in the foraging areas, made for the production of jabalinas o sílex para tallar sus herramientas, local various deposits outcrop estos fossiles. Los recogieron y trasladaron hasta la cave, an entrance dos y cuatro kilometers de distancia de los afloramientos con fossiles.
There is no Finnish symbolism and practical
The research team put forward various hypotheses to explain this behavior, because in one of the cases ninguno de los fossiles hallados present stigmata It can be used to use any percussor to have a symbolic significance.
Researchers are very curious that they are very beautiful. buscaba utilizar los fossiles for intercombiarlos groups of neanderthals and other groups; They could also be game elements in their camps or gathered to strengthen cultural identity as an element of social cohesion. In addition, the study increased the likelihood of recall los niños del grupo realizarla puedierenfor collecting is a practical feature of childhood among hominids.
For the purpose of independence, estudio deja patente que, si bien los neandertales de Prado Vargas pudieron encontrar los fossiles intentionalmente or casualidad, su transporte hasta la cave fue deliberadosystematic and repetitive. It is very interesting to collect fossils. Thus, the Neanderthals of this Burgalian cave became the first fossil collectors of our evolutionary process to date.
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