The general secretary of El PSOE de Jaén, Francisco Reyes, today denounced the paralysis of the Linares-Vadollano branch project and demanded of Moreno Bonilla “arremangue y trabaje por for Linares”. “The president of the junta shows great interest in the expansion of the subways of Seville and Malaga, but at the same time he shows his hatred for Linares in connection with this move,” he criticized. Reyes made these statements during a visit to the branch area of the Linares PSOE together with Javier Perales, general secretary of the Linares PSOE, and other responsible socialists from Linares.
The secretary general of the Jaén PSOE explained that this project has a “socialist stamp” because in its first phase, the previous Andalusian socialist government left the work of the branch in 2019 with 95% implementation, with an investment of 22 million. euro. In addition, he prepared the second phase with a budget of 6 million, the connection with the Madrid-Seville common network and the forecast to start implementation in 2019.
Reyes pointed out that this move is “basic for Linares in terms of industry, logistics and commerce” and “unfortunately, we are in the situation where Moreno Bonilla arrived in 2019, 6 years after he came to the Junta” el PP llegó al Gobierno andaluz”.
The responsible socialist “doesn't blame ADIF”, says “Aunque mañana se ejecutara la obra, no serviría para nada”. “There is no filial conscience that has nothing. No sirve para nada que se conecte a la via general, si no se hace la playa de vias en el Parque de Santana,” he advised. “What the Board has completed is the beach road project to connect to the business park. In 2018, a meeting was held between IDEA and Dirección General de Mobilidad para ver cómo se ponía en marcha la playa de vias. 6 il después, no hay noticia ni de cómo se va a hacer, ni de nada del proyecto”, afeó al PP.
Recordó que contrario el Gobierno de España “spends a very significant amount of money for the highway”, whereby they will take more than 360 trucks a day off the highway to carry out transport by rail. Measures implemented in the province will allow large convoys “via ferroviarias”.
For his part, Javier Perales criticized that, after so much time had passed, this connection was “not planned and not between the objectives of the Linares City Council and the Junta”. “No solo euro for 2 years in a row. In total, they predicted 23.5 million euros over 5 years and did nothing. But in 2025 solo avro de ese Presupuesto de la Junta, un presupuesto histori porque es el más amplio de la historia, but solo avro paraprochón was said with no thought.
Thus, he considered that “demands must be made” and asked the government group of the City Council “why they did not offer the Junta one euro for a branch that would add value to the park” Contact PSOE.
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