Almost 30% of primary care physicians in the entire community have them trophies are over 1,600 sanitarylo que que evedenida la saturation de las agendas y determinadas centros de salud de la Comunidad, sobre todo del medio urbano, y que se traduce, a su vez, en elevadas demoras para requests and consultations. El fin del modelo was proposed by Muface Nazirio de Sanidad This would lead to an increase in the number of users in public health effective effects en la presión asistencial y en las listas de espera.
In the agreement reached in January 2023 between the Fasamet and CESM Aragón medical associations and the Aragon Health Service, which provides for the end of the strike call, maximum number of sanitarians less than 1,600 for family physicians and 1,000 for pediatrics, with the ultimate goal of reaching 1,500 for the first specialty, according to what was gathered in the document at the time. Taking down Muface Focus on “colapsaría” una primaria or al limite en la Comunidad, según recognan desde la Administration y desde las organization professionales.
Essenari, además, de falta de cultivos. Aragon will need up to 214 family doctors within five years ante la falta de relevo generationacional to cover expected high celebrations, to cover vacancies. The table contains a “planning tool” that involves updating the sanitation map approved nearly 40 years ago, and redistributing resources. Keeping in mind, además, el envejecimiento, la despoblación y la dispersión territorial.
Asumir and los nuevos pacientes en el system public saturaría más determinadas zonas de sales, sobre todo las locaciones en middle urbano. Y, in concrete, Zaragoza in the health sectorswhere more than 160 Family Medicine specialists – more than half of those in the region – guide more than 1,600 users. There are health centers where most of the cups, as it were, exceed the prescribed limit Valdespartera, Casablanca or Romareda-SeminarioYou can earn up to 2,000 patients.
According to 2023 data of 45,539 employees (and family members) belonging to Muface, the majority, 32,026 (70%) chose private health insurance over public health insurance. Seven out of ten of these mutualists live in the province of Zaragoza (32,591) and up to 23,158 of them are decanted for personal health. In the province of Huesca there are 8,006 mutualists de Muface; y en la de Teruel, 4,942.
Los sectors sanitarios de Zaragoza -I, II and III and Calatayud- group a 978,015 Aragoneses, por lo que asumir a los users of Muface in the public health system we assume that the number of health cards will increase by more than 3.3%. Together, globally, merging the entire mutual population of Muface with a private health insurer represents a 2.12% increase in the number of people who will receive benefits under the coverage of the National Health System.
October 31, 2024 Recognized by the Minister of Sanidad on October 31, 2024, represented by 10.76% from December 14, 2024. Between the ages of 15 and 34, 12.22%; 35-64 age group 41.69%; y 35.33 percent are over 65 years old. This last percentage exceeds the data recorded at the national level, del 31.9%.
Less than 500 cards
In contrast, Aragon has more than 170 primary care specialists assigned a quota of less than 500 patients. The reality of territorial dispersal in a rural setting. Of these, approximately 77 have fewer than 300 health cards.
The health sector of Aragon, which concentrates a large number of cups of less than 500 users Teruelwith 47 faculties with this number of cards, 26 of them less than 300.
The actual sanitary map shows the characteristics of each health zone and has different aspects, such as: Number of consultants depending on referencethe distance they were found or the age of the patients assigned to each cup. You are the most relevant tool for XXI y los cambios gáficos que ha ha sufrido la Comunidad using reality. The objective transferred from the Consejería de Sanidad is the redistribution of the scenario, además des des resources. shortage of doctors.
Continue merging to update the sanitation map
Aragon's health map is a strategic planning and health management tool that divides the territory into geographical boundaries. The health system is organized in eight health sectors – Alcañiz, Barbastro, Calatayud, Huesca, Teruel, Zaragoza I, Zaragoza II and Zaragoza III-, Subdivisions of 124 zones -un tercio están como de difícil cobertura- y 866 Pay attention to local advisors. There are 125 continuous puntos de atención.
confirmation, about 40 years agollega el momento de aborder una reforma en profundidad. Desde la Consejería de Sanidad began holding meetings to pass on proposals and gather input on the future model. A second meeting with representatives of the parliamentary groups in the Aragonese Cortes is planned for this Friday.
Get documents for different combinations in three alternative plans for change. One of them will pass to connect the main health zones, the other will be wider to create complementary structures called “suprazones”, and the last one will have to settle with regional delimitation. You agree to this document, analyze it for this experiences of other communitiesque van desde la creation detritos, al área única oa la diminución de zonas basic de salud.
Various factors such as population, human resources, travel time, distribution of health cards or other factors were evaluated from the Department to arrive at a common point. actividad asistiental ordinaria y de emergency.
El cambio will lead to a redistribution of staff and must be agreed with Aragon's professional health organizations and unions, given the continued focus. Periodicity of consultations o las tarjetas sanitarias dentro de la zona básica de salud.
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