Quevedo bate con 'Buenas noches' el rekord de escuchas and first day on Spotify España.

Quevedo bate con 'Buenas noches' el rekord de escuchas and first day on Spotify España.

Quevedo bate con 'Buenas noches' el rekord de escuchas and first day on Spotify España.

The second disco Kevedo Good night This Friday's airing achieved the audience record Spotify The main place for Spanish disco 12.2 mlnaccording to the artist's own office.

Kevedo surpassed this form on his record, which was the most streamed record on Spotify on the day of its release. Don Quiero Estar, 10.92 million timeslo que signifícó el registra más alto consigodo hasta la fecha por un artista español en esas platforma, por encima de Motomami de Rosalia.

The singer explained in an interview this Friday that he wants his record to have a long life: “I have an illusion that it will do well and be successful now, but it will be recognized in the long run.” like a good album que a la gente le marque y le suponga una etapa, como me va a suponer a mí”.

“El successo realente muchas veces te ciega”He commented in that conversation just a few hours after the publication of his book “Good Nights”, and he complained that sometimes a creator censors himself in order to win the public's favor.

Good night It was actually supposed to be released a few weeks ago, on the morning of November 8th. pero se pospuso por las consecuencias de la Calf en el este y sur del país. “I don't believe it, I don't feel it's time to accept the music. It's time to help those affected today, to support them and keep their minds,” he explained on his account of X.

Este segundo album llega después de un frenazo en seco a su carrera, En el que salió completamente del foco public para descansar. “Necesito perder todo pa' volver al punto zero, recordar lo que costó poder salir del agujero”, he claimed in the last thread he started in February of this year before this retreat.