Ha sido un pleno especially concurrido en el de este jueves en el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza. Interventions de los ciudadanos y con tematicas y revindicaciones casi todos los gustos as much as possible. So many things happened that the day led to an unusual situation, in the bus number 24 on the bus number 24, and in local politics “represiones” in an unusual, public order, casi oculta inter las placardas que clamaban por el care de linea. o para que se mantenga intacto el bosque de los Pinares de Venecia, una estatua viviente aguardaba su turno for salir al scenario.
There is no cuenta de una moción that he presents PSOE revising the programming of Fiestas del Pilar and other events, favoring a “popular” model that includes “social, cultural and penista tissue participation.” Sin embargo, a proposal that also claims to speed up procedures for obtaining permits to drive on the street and improve rates, no ha salido adelante por contar con los votos en contra del PP y de Vox.
This statue represents the antiguo color of Egypt, no solo ha cobrado vida, sino que ha hecho algo bir lo que este tipo de seres acostumbran mucho menos: tomar la palabra. El motivo no era otro que el de defense “minoritario” gremio y pedir al gobierno municipal que facilite la concesión de Licenses for El Pilar de año que viene el paseo de la Independencia and otras zonas de la ciudad vuelvan llenarse activity.
Natalia Gomara, the name of the artist and actress behind the character, was issued 82 licenses by the City Council, 35 of which were for the sale of balloons. El recovery, exclusive for music, dejando fuera a “Estatuas vivientes, mimos, puppeteers, poetas, caricaturistas, dibujantes, tatuadores, puestos de trenzas…”.
“Hemos quedado completely exceptions -o criticism, en nombre de los artistas de calle-. Y la majoja de los fortunados que las consiguieron, derivados a la periferia”. Except for 7 or more than 7 according to the requirements that the licenses require. “Zaragoza Cultural allegan que nuestra actividad no está contemplada”, ha lamentado Gomara. He added that as for the sculptures, they don't bother the artists themselves, they take a middle place in the subway and on the street in places that do not obstruct the movement of pedestrians. Tampoco, en su caso, se puede hablar de ruido. “Expresamos nuestro arte desde el silencio”yes sentence.
Cruce de reproaches
The political intervention in this move became a cross of condemnation between the PP and the PSOE, until the councilors of the remaining parties in the second place refused to intervene. Socialist Eva Cerdan said that the former Fiestas del Pilar were held las “poor in decades”. “It is very popular and it is distinguished by the diversity of this artist. It's popular to put pies on the street for ten days, knowing you'll enjoy them regardless of your money,” he claimed, accusing the government of building culture “on consumption.”
For her part, Sara Fernández, a member of the Council of Culture, argued that it is possible to eliminate illegal sales and ensured “nunca se ha vertido en cultura”. However, he took the gloves off and said they would meet with these groups, as well as the Area of Participation, with the aim of “facilitating conditions” and “speeding up the process”. “Hemos tomado nota del problema que ha habido con los groups and las automissions de calle. No nos duelen prendas, todo es mejorable y para eso trabajamos”, ha sententiado laed.
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