Video. Video: Berlin de la cría de hippopotamo estrella debut su

Video. Video: Berlin de la cría de hippopotamo estrella debut su

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Young Tony stepped into his swimming pool for the first time in front of the public with his mother Debbie. It's a great option for crystal gazing, but it's far from an aqua wonder. Berlin Zoo's curator of mammals, Florian Sick, said it was an exceptional opportunity to see these fascinating animals in action.

The main thing is, of course Tony se aventuró en la piscina de su recinto a la vista del publico, zambulléndez junto a su madre Debbie. Thank you for the observation Cristal, los visientadores pudieron admirar de cerca este raro espectáló acuático Florian Sick, curator of mammals Berlin zooconfirmed that this is an exceptional opportunity to see the action fascinating animals.

Baptized in honor of his godfather, Football player Antonio Rudigerla pequeña Toni se incorporó al zoo de Berlin el August 15, 2024. Se cree que los hippopotamus pigsuna especie en peligro de exinción, solo cuentan con 2,500 copies The Costa de Irfil, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are the zoo's natural habitat.