He won accountability by perjuring the Hidalgo committee to cheat and get rid of Air Europa.

He won accountability by perjuring the Hidalgo committee to cheat and get rid of Air Europa.

To explore El llamado caso KoldoIsmael Moreno, former CEO of Globalia, is acting Javier Hidalgopor un presunto delito de falso testimonio.

De esta forma, el magistrado da repuesta a la petition de una de accucaciones de causa, Freedom. Moreno descarta que, durante su interrogatorio, el empresario, “faltara a la verdad, salvo que se demuestre lo contrario”, al ser preguntado por Victor del Aldamaconsidered consigador/intermediario de la supuesta trama corrupta investigada.

Hidalgo assured that he did not remember or know that he participated in the rescue of Air Europa. catch Globalia. Ahora bien There are many audios for EL ESPAÑOL., On August 31, 2020, Aldama told the businessman how he had threatened Koldo Garcia so that Pedro Sánchez's government would speed up the bailout of Air Europa, which he would soon buy. 475 million state euros To mitigate the effects of Covid-19.

Koldo Garciaquien da nombre a esta causa, he was an adviser to José Luis Ábalos, then Minister of Transport, who was also Secretary of the PSOE Organization. The hand caso KoldoThe Audiencia Nacional is investigating the possibility of corruption dedicated to the collection of illegal commissions at the beginning of the pandemic.

Enter the contracts awarded by the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of the Interior and the Gobiernos Canario y Baleares, a la empresa. Soluciones de Gestión SLmascarillas with a la que se le encargó el supply. Los cubrebocas, además, viajaron a Madrid a China of Air Europa planes, que abaría rescatada y para la que Aldama was the assessor.

The best solution is fechada este viernes, a la que ha tenido acceso EL ESPAÑOL, el juez descarta que Hidalgo mintiese.

“What is different is that he was asked in general about his relationship with Senor Abalos, Senor García Izaguirre, Senor Aldama, or the interference of these people in the decision to approve the rescue aid. de Air. Europe, a question not subject to the present proceedings“, accurate magistrate. A renglón seguito, port tanto, descarta deducir testimonio contra Hidalgo.

Javier Hidalgo with the Audiencia Nacional.


However, the citation of this entrepreneur as a witness was made by order of the National Audiencia Penal Chamber, a superior instance of the hierarchical instructor, which forced the withdrawal of the decision not to interrogate.

As Moreno now recalls, the Chamber identified “the object of Mr. Hidalgo's testimony” with his association with his company, Soluciones de Gestión SL (about which the plot revolves), in the shipment of masks. Minister of Transport”.

In fact, when he testified as a witness last September 12, Ismael Moreno prevented the prosecution from asking about Pedro Sánchez's wife. Begonia Gomezal no ser objeto de la causa. Gómez and Hidalgo participated in the sobre turismo, entre otros nexos que les vinculan events.

Ismael Moreno finally concludes that “procedures are being implemented to resolve the supply process of masks, in contact with continuing research”.