La counselor Innovation, Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Valencian Community, Valencian de Nuria Montessparked a wave of criticism after Dana announced to the media this Friday that the families of the victims would not be able to do so. acceder al pabellón donde se están transladando los cuerpos de los fallencidos. If it is publicly announced, you can start working. After that, he publicly asked for forgiveness.
“There is nothing to enter a family, there is no permission de familiares a la zona donde tenemos custodiados a todos los delicidos, así que tienen que esperar de forma obligatoria the summons of the court and delivery of the relevant documents. “Las familias en el mejor lugar donde pueden esperar las noticias de sus familiares es en sus domicilio,” he said. counselor en un primer momento.
As a result of the criticism received, Montes reacted with a post on Instagram in which he declared himself a collective of “suffridora del dolor” and asked for forgiveness for the tone he used. There was nothing before the translation Comandante de la UMEque “se preocupó por que [la morgue] se pudisese convertir en un punto de espera”.
“Por eso decidimos sendar un mensaje para que compliera el protocolo. Lamento que mis palabras hayan estado faltas de empatía, de esas sensibilidad que todos questamos en estos duros momentos,” he justified in the video.
Although the death toll in Valencia alone has risen to 202 in recent days, it continues to rise every day.
Montes detailed that all relatives of missing persons or those who suspect their death should call or report to the authorities because they los diferentes juzgados los que tienen todos sus data de contacto.
Enter an emergency morgue, not an emergency room.
The bodies of the deceased will be handed over to the Institute of Legal Medicine after identification and autopsy. Feria Valencia y serán los juzgados los que se pongan en contacto con las familias para indicarles la forma en la que se va a expedir la documents. In this way, they will be entrusted to funerals, insurance companies, or social or municipal services to oversee and deliver the funerals.
In this sense, he confirmed that Feria Valencia is coming los primeros cuerpos This is due to the importance of identification, verification of the autopsy process.
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