El leader de Vox, Santiago Abascalha sido nombrado este sábado nuevo Presidente de Patriotic Party substitution for en belga Gerolf Annemanssegún ha podido conocer este periodico. formation of Europe, Nominated by the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbanwas founded with the parliamentary group Patriotas por Europa (Patriots for Europe) this summer after the European Parliament elections on June 9. The decision was made this Saturday at a meeting of party leaders in Paris.
The Patriotic Party is a platform that unites parties from up to 13 European countries and includes political figures such as the French. Marine Le Pen (Agrupación Nacional) or Italian Matteo Salvini (League), in addition to Orbán, one of its main boosters. Parliamentarian groups in general 86 euro deputadolo que le converteiro en el tercer mayor groupo del Parliament Europeansurpassed only by the European People's Party and the Socialists.
Desde Vox welcomes the election of Abascal as leader of the Patriots, as his appointment will facilitate cooperation with other forces of similar ideology to the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), which includes the Italian prime minister. Georgia Meloni O los Poles de Ley y Justicia, y que comparten la majoria de postulados politicos como reinforcer las fronteras exteriores, la lucha contra la immigración illegal in that war agenda.
However, during the last legislative period, Vox formed part of this European family, but after the new elections, he decided to leave it to join the Patriots. Well, Abascal que mantendría una approved “special contact” con los partidos de ECR. “Giorgia Meloni will always be Vox's partner, friend and ally,” he said last July 8.
Patriots and ECR groups are powerless to form a large group. EurocameraA fracaso that Orbán himself attributes to the competition between Le Pen and Meloni at the moment. En Vox is convinced that Abascal has been appointed allanara el camino a mayor cooperation entre ambos groups, dada la buena sintonía entre el politico español y la mandateria italiana.
Abascal's appointment as president of the Patriots followed the victory Donald Trump en las ecciones de Estados Unidos. in spain Vox is the party capitalizing on the victory of the North American tycoonbecause the left supported a democrat candidate, Kamala Harriswhile PP se mostró equidistante con ambos aspirantes a la Casa Blanca: la postura de Génova es que no tiená un homologó en EEUU al que apoyar.
El grupo europeo en el que milita Vox y el que encabeza Meloni son los dos únicos que tienen “lazo director” He supported Trump's administration, he endorsed it some time ago.
The third group in the EU
Le Pen's party by a margin Eurodeputados aporta and Patriotas por Europatotal 30. Le sigune los hungaros de Fidesz (11); La Liga de Salvini (8); Acción de los Ciudadanos Insatisfechos (ANO) of the Czech Republic (7); FPÖ's Austrians, Dutch Geert Wilders and Vox (6 each); los flamencos del Vlaams Belang (3), los portugueses de Chega, los lacos de Movimiento Nacional and the Czech coalition Oath and Motorists (2 each) and Partido Popular Danés, Letonia Primero and Voz de la Razón Greeks (1 each).
In reality, los Patriotas is an evolutionary group of Le Pen, which represents Europe, and the previous legislature. Identity and Democracy. Todos ellos defienden restringir la politica migratoria en la UE, levantar la la-futura Europe's los vehicules con motores conbustión and the so-called “nuevo pacto verde” transformation ecological de la economy is prohibited.
In the last legislative cycle, the forces that stayed with Identity and Democracy have made some sort of appeal to the Patriots group. sanitary cordonimpidiendo avrodeputados el acceso a las vicepresidencias de la Eurocámara oa presidencias de la Comités.
Al ser el tercer mer gruppo del European Parliamentles corrían dos presidencias de comités y siete vice-presidencias. The sin embargo, the popular coalition, the socialists and the liberals have agreed to exclude them from any position of power, and there are a number of other groups.
One of the victims was the leader of Vox in Brussels. Jorge Buxadeque aspiraba a la vicepresidencia Cuarta del Comité de Medio Ambiente, que son fue al PPE.
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