La Guardia Civil, with the opera “Vexatus”, Ha detenido a una persona in the province of Huesca as the alleged author of 19 crimes, eight crimes of discovery and revelation of secrets, three crimes of threats y coacciones y un delito de odio.
The investigation started at the beginning of the year varias personas denunciaron que habien accepted mensajes denigrantes y amenazadores desde profiles ocultos.
Keep researching, agents are on the lookout The alleged author hid his identity by creating fake profiles in various applications of social networks and free messaging.
He then used personal photos of his victims and harassed them with messages, threats and coaxes. Making phone calls and sending mass sex messageswith the aim of changing the normal development of the victims' lives.
It has the ability to do any harm to the place of residence or other social circles. Además, so it would be better algunas de las víctimas fueron acosadas durante más de un año.
Hurt the victims llegó uses up to 14 fake profiles on different social networksfive fake instant messaging accounts and four different phone numbers stolen from third parties, making calls to hidden numbers with at least two different devices and using a virtual private network to encrypt their data and hide any traces.
Once the agents figured it out More than 6000 phone calls and numerous messages were analyzed by the author The registration of the Fraga local registry in the domicilio, intervinieron for various dispositives is carried out.
The operation was carried out by the Huesca team and managed by the Juzgado de Instrucción Nº2 de Fraga.
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