Mexican artist Roberto MarquezBased in Dallas (EEUU) and a self-described “trotamundos artist”, he traveled to Valencia with his brushes to help those affected by DANA. “Plasmar las emociones” de los damnificados en la psarela renamed as 'Puente de la Solidaridad' que connecta la pedanía de La Torre con el barrio de Sant Marcel.lí.
Marquez planted first un memorial con cruces en recuerdo de las víctimas en la pasarela, que ha convertedi durante unos días en su thor, con piano incluido, pero la initiative yes voluntary criticismsy ha optado por retirarlas.
“El objetivo tiene dos partes. Está lo emotionalque se quedó en este caso en el memorial; see solidaritypues ahora me voy a enfocar en el mural. “El plan es venderlo y lo que se genere de venta, que alguien collecto y destine a los afectados, donde sea mejor,” Marques said in his declarations. European press.
El Pintor has experience creating memorials in other disaster areas Like Ukraine or Turkey con el terremoto In Catarroja, voluntarily, the artist began working on his memorial this Monday, which consists of about 80 wooden crosses, which he took away this Saturday because “there were a few people who were disturbed”.
“But se puede trabajar de otra forma, Create molestar conflict a nadie” he said, por lo que su idea continue con el mural, del que ha terminado el bastigo y estrechado el lienzo. fields.
Entre las escenas, no faltarán los voluntarios, con las botas llenas de barro; Otros limpiando las calles, un coche volteado y un rescatista en una sábana, “que me impactó”, he elaborated. Use colors”aportar alegría“.
At the same time, volunteer personalities, regardless of this solidarity, you can manage it. “Hay voluntarios que están trabajo en lienzos de un metro por dos. Entonces, pienso que se venderán murals en tres tamaños diferentes,” he said.
“For me, art is the message of the most powerful people, sometimes what cannot be said with words can be said not with a brush, but also with an installation, a sculpture or a performance,” he emphasized.
Arte para no olvidar
In the same way, the Mexican artist, when addressing art, invited artists who could not express themselves if their workshop was damaged by DANA to participate in the work. Mecanismo contra el “olvido”.
“There is an idea to be together, que venga para acá y hacemos,” he claimed. Most of their projects are shared, but in this initiative from Valencia, they believe that volunteers should own a project. “guide or location”. “Because there is always a history to follow, when all this comes in this context, the whole world is invited. lienzo”, ha destacado.
Con “un poquito de activismo”
El artisan “un poquito de activismo” a suma. “Of course, first of all, ¿What can I do to help them??” He noted that this is very bad.
Marquez is working with two volunteers to create a web page where they can buy murals, so information can be channeled and “this money unnecessary cover“of the affected areas. One of the volunteers is Nadia, a French woman who has been living in Valencia for more than 20 years. She spontaneously suggested the bridge called “Esperanza” as a “suitable place” for the realization of the memorial-mural.
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