Commienza la Cumbre Iberoamericana en Ecuador, presidents except Latinoamericanos states.

Commienza la Cumbre Iberoamericana en Ecuador, presidents except Latinoamericanos states.

Commienza la Cumbre Iberoamericana en Ecuador, presidents except Latinoamericanos states.

XXIX Cumbre Iberoamericana ha arrancado este jueves en Cuenca (Ecuador) is connected. The participation of leaders is lower than in the history of this forum, which started in 1991and without a host, Daniel Noboaun hecho also without precedents in this series among the twenty countries of Iberoamerica.

Esta cita, que tiene como lema 'Innovación, inclusión y permanencia, único llegaron el rey de España, Felipe VI; Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and Andorran Prime Minister Xavier Espot, in another unpublished event, The seats of the three countries were empty. Mexico, Nicaragua y Venezuelaque mantenien rotas las relaciones con Ecuador.

Pese a lack of leadersthe delegations try to adopt a declaration during the preparatory meetings, which includes the agreements reached, especially on cooperation issues, but las conversaciones están encontrando trabas In countries that oppose gender policies and focus on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), according to sources close to the talks.

Tensions are also centralized la disconformidad de Cuba ante la pretensión de Argentina EFE was consulted during the preparation of the chancellors' meeting.

Before the difficulty of achieving the unanimity needed for this Summit declaration, countries such as Spain, Costa Rica, Panama and Chile put forward a declaration supported by the vast majority of participants, which will not be an official document of the meeting.

Allamand pita cohesion

“Seria absurdo jahil que la region vive tiempos convulsos“, the Iberoamerican Secretary General, Chilean Andrés Allamand, admitted in his intervention at the inauguration act.

El titular de la Secretaría General Iberoamericana (Segib) noted that “The world needs more multilateralismcooperation and solidarity”, in a context where “politics is surrounded by fragmentation and polarization”.

“The result is great difficulty in reaching a consensus, which slows down reforms that could create new foundations for prosperity and coexistence,” Allamand said.

In this sense, he recalled that “the Ibero-American encounter allows us to distinguish ourselves in a world where conflicts, threats and injustices continue.”

“El encuentro Iberoamericano es el que permite, en tiempos de diferencias, alcanzar consensos, en tiempos de fragmentation, aportar unidad, en tiempos de división e impulsar cohesion”, a la vez que “en tiempos de pasguasóacia,” but not an exception” .

so that Allamand invited “reivindicar Iberoamérica”. y aprovechar “un trabajo de más de 30 años en los que ha prevailed la busqueda de consensos y en los que se han generated avances con un impacto real en la vida de las people”. “No resignation, sino de la ambition”, apostille.

Una Cumbre is a problem and conflicts

However, Noboa confirmed that his administration has worked to achieve this Summit. “despite all internal and external problems and conflicts”.

It is called El mandatario, el más joven de Latinoamérica, con 36 años, generar Innovations against organized transnational crimeclimate change, youth employment, environmental protection, access to education and strengthening connectivity.

Professional generación empleo y la la generación is supported by mediation, so it is allowed to ensure economic equality.

“Esto solo será posible alcanzar con compromise in the business sectorThe XV Encuentro Empresarial Iberoamericano concluded with the approval of the 'Compromiso por la empleabilidad', nicknamed Noboa.

“Alarming levels of unemployment make us easy targets for organized crime, which undermines the economic and social development of our countries. We must promote policies that help development. public-private investments y destinar resource a la educación para forjar un mejor porvenir de la juventud “he said.

After the opening of the Iberoamericana XXIX Summit, The forum will continue this Friday with the processing of plenary sessionsen las que intervendrán los jefes de Estado y de Gobierno, así como los delegados de las demas delegados.