Check the transit of the planet, orbitando una estrella cercana

Check the transit of the planet, orbitando una estrella cercana

Check the transit of the planet, orbitando una estrella cercana

Investigators They discovered a young star that is only three million years oldjunto a su planet en tánsito, el más joven hallado hasta la fecha. Both stars form a system that can be a useful target for studying the early stages of planetary formation.

Los planetas transito son aquellos que pasan entre una estrella y un observador como la Tierra. Investigators They discovered many of thembut from 10 years to 40 million.

Sin embargo, a new transiting giant planet as young as the star in its orbit (IRAS 04125+2902), situated relatively cerca de la Tierraaccording to public research Nature The company is based in Tenerife, among others, at the Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias (IAC) and La Laguna Universidad.

The difficulty in detecting transiting young planets may be that they are not fully formed, or that their view from our observation post is blocked by the residual protoplanetary disk (the dense ring of gas and dust surrounding a newly formed star from the cual se forman los). planets). La estrella IRAS 04125+2902 It was placed by the TESS satellite say NASAIt is responsible for searching for planets outside the solar system.

Disco protoplanetario exterior que rodea esta estrella está desalineado y se presenta casi de cara y no de lado. Además, disco interior as before, a combination of these factors protoplanet observation is allowed en transito IRAS 04125+2902 b.

The orbital period of the young planet is 8.83 daysradio is 10.7 times that of Earth and is about 30% of the mass Jupiter. The authors suggest that it may be a precursor to the super-Earth and sub-Neptune planets, which are frequently orbiting main-sequence stars.

Dada la corta edad de esta star y planet, the disc's rare anomaly, and its relative proximity to Earth, the authors suggest that this system may be objective. Useful for studying the early stages of planetary formation.