Pedri's awkward moment with Tom Hiddleston: 'I thought I just wanted a picture'

Pedri's awkward moment with Tom Hiddleston: 'I thought I just wanted a picture'

Pedri's awkward moment with Tom Hiddleston: 'I thought I just wanted a picture'

Footballer Pedrifue junto al actor Luis Zahera, y la host, Lorena Castella Martinez and Hermanos durante la noche del weercoles, donde charló con Dani Martinez Sobre distinta questions very internal.

Refuse to respond after the presentation. with a fan is instantly uncomfortable. “Fue hace poco”, rekordaba el futbolista. “I acted as Loqui hacía and actor Marvel“, refiriendo a Tom Hiddleston.

“Yo creía que solo querría la photo y ya está,” he admitted. “When I came después del partido, I can't see any pictures“, recordaba, riendo por la situación que vivió. “Yo No English“, sorprendió.

He only answered “yes” to the young actor's questions. “Yo sabía decir yes, nice to meet you y football is easy“, confirm. “Aguanté un poco y me fui”, terminó la Historia. “Te quedaste Loki“, Bromeo Zahera.

Dani Martínez found the video of that moment and did not hesitate to analyze it: “Solo dice yesbut es You can do whatever you need“. “Desde entonces, siempre que hay personas inglesas les digo que si quieren photos, pero chatlar, no veas”, concluded Pedri.