Emparedados, the head of the Millions Police, has been managing the entrance to the coca bins for five years.

Emparedados, the head of the Millions Police, has been managing the entrance to the coca bins for five years.

Emparedados, the head of the Millions Police, has been managing the entrance to the coca bins for five years.

De puertas para fuera, en el Cuerpo Nacional de Policía, Óscar Sánchez Gil, Head of the Economic and Fiscal Crimes Unit (UDEF) of the Madrid Superior Police Departmentera un tipo casi anodino. Unidad de Droga and Crimen Organizado (Udyco) do not have exclusive rights to this cartel.

Una etapa, la de la against traffic in stupefacientesque abandonó hace cuatro años cuando fue ascendido años cuando fue ascendido a chief inspector, pero que fue la que le abrió las puertas al 'negocio'. According to Internal Affairs investigators, he led the 36th Udyco group, which was dedicated to the fight against illegal drug trafficking on the Internet, and he began to actively cooperate with a large and “virtually unknown” Spanish clan. “Safe injection of containers” with cocaine in Spanish portsFrom Algeciras to Barcelona, ​​Pasando por Valencia, Malaga, Las Palmas or Bilbao. In reality, that 36-member group and some of its components have been the focus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for years. In particular, Sánchez Gil.

Los operativos tienen constatado que al menos desde 2019 este mando colaboraba con el narco con chivatazos para fixar los momentos y las rutas seguras en las que los contenadores no iban ser revisados. Only 2% of containers are opened by the Customs Vigilance in Spain, but the loss of just one of them is huge for drug organizations, so information about safe routes is paid with gold, point sources investigation.

At the same time, Sánchez Gil offers cobras plenty of food for 'cash'. Mordidas, explican, que podría llegar a superar “con mucho, con muchísimo” (text de los operativos) and with millions of euros, the rival is against sin. Realidad, solo un “pequeñísimo pellizco”, teniendo en cuenta que un alijo como el de las Last October 14, 13 tons of cocaine were intercepted at the port of Algeciras (The mayor of Spain's history and the entrance was managed by Sanchez Gil) would take no less, no more, 500 million euros.

Billets hasta en Jefatura

With so much cash and a seemingly austere lifestyle (he only appeared once on the scene of the first Madrid clubs) the only way to effectively manage this amount emparedar los billets de todas las denominaciones and paquetes estancos (como si fardos de hashís se tratara) en el chalet de su pareja en Alcalá de Henares. In this rudimentary method, eight million people were trapped within the walls of one of the rooms, and another twelve million went to the double bottom with traps in the basement of the house.

El flujo de 'cash' was bigger than, que el mando corruptaba guardaba en su propio despacho de la Jefatura Superior de Madrid about a million euros in 500 bills hidden in a bag.

Dinero and seguir dando are great candidates soplos al narco According to the researchers, it was not easy to fight against the antiblancoqueo. In July 2021, Oscar Sánchez Gil personally led the Titella operation, where producer José Luis Moreno was the main investigator in the alleged financial fraud network. Asuntos Internos-trabaja de for acuerdo con la investigation de acuerdo con la investigation de “toda maquina” for el narco y fue por entonces cuando el. jefe antiblanqueo habría decidedi starter a blanquearal menos una pequeñísima parte de su immense fortune, haciéndos through través de testaferros con una immensa flota de VTC. The detained chief inspector's brother-in-law also has more than 70 licenses for these vehicles.

El mando de la principal unit antiblanco de Madrid, su mujer y su cuñada, como otra dozen de detenidos – More attention is paid by order of the Audiencia Nacional. Los cargos son: tráfico de drogaskohecho, organized crime, omision del deber de perseguir delitos. y blanqueo.