Specialized groups desarticulan que robó cobre en la Estación de Miraflores y polygonos

Specialized groups desarticulan que robó cobre en la Estación de Miraflores y polygonos

Specialized groups desarticulan que robó cobre en la Estación de Miraflores y polygonos

Agents of National Police and Civil Guard A Seven persons, between 20 and 66 years oldDifferent provinces in Spain have different responsibilities against criminal groups that have committed crimes. They find release loadsInformation about Jefatura Superior de Policía de Aragón.

El Grupo de Delincuencia Itinerante de la Jefatura Superior de Aragón and el Grupo de Policía Judicial de la Guardia Civil were dismantled by Operation Fagal, a mobile criminal group responsible for three robberies by force in companies from industrial districts, including a copper theft. railway installations.

Operationally, an individual is defined as: six in Zaragoza and one in Mejorada del Campo (Madrid), por su implicación en la reception de beiens robados.

Criminal groups are brought to criminal responsibility Cities and towns in different provinces such as Lérida, Navarra, Valencia, and Guadalajara in Spain and many industrial industries and regions are dedicated to eternal robots. Delitos imputados, dos tuvenon lugar en la province de Teruel –Sarrión and Cella– and located in Zaragoza –Garrapinillos, Figueruelas, Gallur and Zaragoza.

Estación de Miraflores

Los delincuentes took advantage of the darkness of the night It can be used in a variety of ways to knock down walls, cut through fences, or force security gates.

Una vez dentro, se centraban en sustraer herramientas y grandes quantities de cobreaunque no descartaban otros bienes de valor. One of the most serious incidents occurred on October 30, when they stole 1,295 meters of copper cable from the railway line at the Miraflores service station in Zaragoza.

Este material, valorado en More than 40,000 euroscaused significant damage not only in terms of cost but also due to disruptions in rail service and negative economic impacts on the industrial sector.

Tras los Robos, a criminal group, transported the stolen material to a fixed reception point and a dump where the owner was also detained.

Los agents han levado a cabo registros en dos domicilos en Zaragoza, where they seized money and tools used to commit crimes. Los detenidos, que A hundred years before the previous policy, han pasado Juzgado de Instrucción número número, que se encontraba encontraba en guardia, quedando en libertad con cargos.