TVE ends 'La Moderna' series by extending a 45-episode season

TVE ends 'La Moderna' series by extending a 45-episode season

TVE ends 'La Moderna' series by extending a 45-episode season

TVE ends 'La Moderna' series by extending a 45-episode season.

In April 2023 Confidential Digital adelanto que TVE has confirmed a new period series about four working women who work in a tearoom in Madrid in the 30s.

It was about the TV series “La Moderna”, which had three seasons this year and a half. The result is positive, audiencia en las dos dos dos dos temporadas de un audiencia. 8.3% stake. Esta apuesta, explican desde la Corporación, there are a number of series to retreat for a TVE. The sin embargo halted production of Boomerang TV and echar el cierre.

Para ello se ha confirmed the extension of the third season, a la que se ha added el subtítulo de 'new beginning'. This new thread goes from chapter 322 to chapter 366, which will allow the series to air on the 1st evening until March 2025.

They explained that the purpose of these episodes is to complete and close the plots opened in the previous seasons and end the series with “the best of finales”. Se prevé que el rodaje se realice en continuidad y “proportional contenido a la parrilla”.

Valoración for renewal

“Salón de Té La Moderna,” according to TVE documents accessed by Confidential Digital, “met the expectations placed on it by the chain.” The adaptation of the novel “The Tea Rooms” taught audiences about “current historical events and famous people in 1930s Spain,” the text explains.

In the final season, the scriptwriters will give continuity to the plots that “help keep the audience”. special al publico femeninomajoritario en esas franja horaria y al que aspira a incrementar”.

Continuation of las tramas

In the meantime, directly maintain the continuity of the center In the Pedraza family. In these chapters, the patriarch Emiliano continues to put an end to his daughter Paula's extramarital affair with Maruja, who in turn has an affair with his secretary Rodrigo, the daughter of Pepita, the servant who keeps Cesare Morel. as amante y cuya hermana Mercedes se ve con Iván, el pequeño de los Pedraza.

Meanwhile, in the parlor, Don Fermi's last wife, Lazara, becomes suspicious of his intentions, and Pietro visits his son from Italy to live with her and Antonia. Trini and Miguel's coexistence is further complicated by the arrival of Trini's mother, Leonora, who comes to help raise Leo. Ines and Laura begin competing for their professional careers in front of producer empresario y novio de la primera Agustín. It will be difficult when Emiliano and Doña Lazara face the pacto.

TVE ends 'La Moderna' series by extending a 45-episode season.