La Guardia Civil places an anti-terror specialist in front of the Mando de Fronteras

La Guardia Civil places an anti-terror specialist in front of the Mando de Fronteras

La Guardia Civil places an anti-terror specialist in front of the Mando de Fronteras

  1. Nombramiento
  2. Intelligence Center Against Terrorism and Organized Crime
  3. Integration and evaluation
  4. Information exchange
  5. Transportation of medicines
  6. Experiencia antiterrorista, de Europol al 11-M
  7. Radicalization
  8. Irregular immigration flow
  9. Jihadistas llegados en patera or Melilla
  10. Refugees from Syria and Iraq
General de la Guardia Civil Manuel Navarrete (Photo: Carlos Luján / Europa Press).

La Arrival of illegal immigrants es uno de los Great desafícios for the security of Spainit has gained importance in recent times due to complaints that the archipelago is at the limit of receiving foreigners from the Canary Islands arriving on its shores by boats or boats rescued by rescue services.

Desde el 1 de enero al 15 de octubre, entraron entraron Canary Islands Compared to the same period of 2023, 32,878 foreign funds are 39.7% more.

La Guardia Civil exercises its powers at the borders, both at sea and land, in the border regions of Ceuta and Melilla with Morocco.. Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlasca in 2020 Mando de Fronteras and Policía Maritima In the structure of the General Directorate of Civil Protection.


Allowed for buyers approved by Grande Marlaska ministerial order buy nomarar General Manuel Navarrete Paniagua is the new head of the Mando de Fronteras y Policía Maritima.

Come ona propuesta de la Director General de la Guardia Civil and with the consent of the Secretary of State for Security”. Mercedes Gonzalez and Rafael Perez.

El puesto había quedado vacante in mid-June, when General Juan Luis Perez Martinque pasó a la situación de retiro for cumplir la edad reglataria, los 65 años.

Intelligence Center Against Terrorism and Organized Crime

The person in charge of the Fronteras y Policía Maritima de la Guardia Civil Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime Intelligence Center (CITCO). General Navarrete He has been directing since 2020.

El CITCO has completed ten years of existence. It was created in 2014, when Jorge Fernandez Díaz was the Minister of the Interior. combination de dos organos existentes, el Organized Crime Intelligence Center (CICO) y el National Anti-Terrorism Coordination Center (CNCA)the concept of “connection between terrorism and organized crime unhecho objetivo”.

Integration and evaluation

The idea was that unificado centro unificado, se impulsara y coordinara “la Integrating and assessing the extent of intelligence and operational analysis available to state security forces and agencies on terrorism, organized crime and violent radicalismto develop strategic criminal intelligence, establish benchmarks and operational coordination among agencies operating simultaneously, and design global strategies to combat these events.”

Currently, the Counter-Terrorism and Organized Crime Intelligence Center reports to the Secretary of State for Security. It is a general organ of sub-revival.

He is responsible for receiving, integrating and analyzing strategic information lucha contra todo tipo delincuencia organizational or grave, violence of terrorism and radicalism. drogas y explosives“.

Information exchange

El CITCO intelligenia no service, china authority and coordination and data centralization. Integran mandos y otros efectivos de la National Police y say la Civil Defense, en un balance difficulty.

In addition, both the National Police and the Civil Guard have their own representation in the center as well National Intelligence Center (CNI)el Armed Forces Intelligence Center (CIFAS)los Mossos d'Esquadrala Ertzaintzala Secretary General of Penitentiary Institutions

It receives, analyzes and integrates information, develops strategic and forward-looking crime intelligence and forwards it to the Security Forces and other agencies and is also its national point of contact. intelligence and strategic information sharing with supranational organisms En la lucha contra el terrorismo y los extremizmos violentos.

Transportation of drugs

Ocassiones es la With Spanish information on foreign policy que, por ejemplo, sirven para interceptar cargamentos de droga en alta mar.

Dict criteria of Fuerzas de Seguridad coordinationexecute Elimination of drug interferenceelabora sobre amenazas, coordina la redacción de documents como la information National Counter-Terrorism Strategyand compile statistics on drugs, organized crime, human trafficking.

Además, lleva un tiempo monitorando la Jihadist Propaganda and Violent Radicalization on the Internet y promoviendo su retreata.

Experiencia antiterrorista, de Europol al 11-M

El Teniente general Navarrete ha estado los four ultimos años al fronte del CITCO, pero su Contact Baggage Against Terrorism es más amplio

He started his career as El País Vasco en la decada de los 80, los Años de Plumo del terrorism de ETA.

Estuvo destineto en Europolcomo responsible de Counter-terrorism and financial intelligencey en la structure de la Guardia Civil participó en la Investigation into the March 11, 2004, jihadist attacks in Madrid.

He received the rank of brigadier general in 2019, yes division general in 2021You are the director of CITCO. The government gave it in 2022 Grand cross of the Order of Merit of the Guardia CivilGrande-Marlaska propuesta, oída la Ministera de Defensa, Margarita Robles, eg Guardia Civil.


El Executive le ascendió el pasado October 15 a lieutenant generalEl Empleo más alto en la Guardia Civil, y three days Grande-Marlaska lo situó al frente del Mando de Fronteras y Policía Maritima después.

Since assuming the leadership of CITCO, Navarrete has participated in some acts and has been interviewed many times about everything to talk about. Terrorism and radicalization.

Se vio señalado hace un año, cuando El Mundo desveló que Había pedido a Europol que ensus reports that serious terrorism related to Catalan independence.

El General Navarrete was responsible for sending a letter to Europol to make this request, after the Juntas angrily demanded to see the al independence report included in the Europol Report on the State and Trends of Terrorism in the European Union (TESAT 2023) el epigrafe sobre “Terrorism is ethno-nationalist and separatist”.

Irregular immigration flow

El Mando de Fronteras and Policía Maritimawith the organic level of the sub-directorate, “de accorde con las directives emanadas de persona titul de Dirección, de exección de funciones prevised en los Acuerdos del Consejo de Ministros for Authority de Coordinación I is responsible to the pararregular. those assigned to the Civil Protection Office for the supervision of others by immigration and ordinance flujos are irregularteniendo entre sus funciones la de resguardo fiscal del Estado“.

Depende de él, en primer lugar, la Jefatura Fiscal y de Fronterasto organize and manage the fiscal reserve of the state, as well as the protection, control and vigilance of coasts, borders (except for those regulated by a specific international agreement), ports, airports and offshore locations en los que España ejerce soberanía y, en este amíto, el control of illegal immigration.

También está bajo el mando del teniente general Navarrete la Jefatura de Costas and Policía MaritimaIt is responsible for directing and coordinating the operational activities of the European Border and Coast Guard and the Spanish National Coordination Center (NCC) in EUROSUR, which leads the Civil Guard.

Jihadistas llegados en patera or Melilla

Que el nuevo jefe del Mando de Fronteras and Policía Maritima de la Guardia Civil sea un terrorism expert significant result.

After discovering that radical Islamists were found illegally in Spain, the generalization of immigrants was not allowed.

It is possible The infiltration of jihadist terrorists among immigrants arriving en pateras from Africa to Spanish shores it happened refers to intelligenia and información services sobre todo en la etapa de auge del Daesh, desde que en 2014 declared a caliphate between Syria and Iraq.

Refugees from Syria and Iraq

Se temía que fuera una radicals are ready to attack Europe en los países del continente, que aprovehárián accurate las Refugees in Syria and Iraq por culpa del Daesh and de la Guerra civilian Syria.

Algunos casos sí se han confirmed. Hace un año la Audiencia Nacional condemned a 5 to 6 years old Collaborates with jihadists. Both had arrived en patera a la costa de Almeria in 2020.

A few years ago Commissaria General Information Radar National National Apareción flour argelino que realizaba “de una hard work jihad propaganda publicando contenido jihadista” and the Internet. También había propuesto bir varios conocidos passar a la action y commiter assailants.

He was expelled from Spain por suponer “flour Amenaza real, real y suficiente grave para la seguridad nationalSpecial social motives for preferential expulsion due to the legality of the territory”.

This is the Minister of Internal Affairs Hadia entrado en España “en June 2017, por el puesto fronterizo de Melilla, in secret form, without documents”.

Redeploy for a Civil Guard patrol.