Distrust of the covid vaccine is growing among young people due to conspiracy theories

Distrust of the covid vaccine is growing among young people due to conspiracy theories

Distrust of the covid vaccine is growing among young people due to conspiracy theories

  1. The influence of Telegram channels in the antivaccine movement
  2. “Second Effects”
  3. There is no information about the pharmaceutical laboratory
  4. El rumors de los trombos
Manifestacion negacionista del Covid, in the city of Lugo, February 11, 2022. (Photo: Carlos Castro / Europa Press)

Covid vaccines have saved more than a million lives in Europe y han reducido las muertes en un 57%, según un studio It was published by the World Health Organization (WHO) earlier this year. Despite scientific evidence, continues questantan su effective, e incluso su finalidad. Spanish constatan que inquisitors dos las teorías conspirativas están calando más en los jóvenes.

The influence of Telegram channels in the antivaccine movement

En is one of the studiospublished en la Revista Española de Sociología, Carolina Regalía, Mario López-Salas and Simone Belli, three researchers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, analyzed Different expressions of unvaccinated youth No immunization needs to be protected against covid to be legally expressed.

The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with 11 unvaccinated youth and examined the influence of social networks. Telegram groupsa los que refereran como “espacios que dan la possibility de hacer circular information” neither validated nor average“.

The analyzed discourses convey more or less the same message: la Defense del derecho a no vacunarse, la falta de libertad y A sense of pressure and coercion de la immunization. Some go even further, citing mistrust of government and the media, a sense of control, conspiratorial debate, political discontent, and more. las motivaciones antisystem.

“Second Effects”

Researchers have also discovered clinical-scientific motives Contra la vacuna, concretemente, argumentaciones que rechazan o dudan sobre su seguridad, efectivadad e important. Telegram channels confirm the rumours contains microchips To control a person, una teoría sin fundamento que ha sido dementida repetidamente por la comunidad científica. Also some users related to their deaths with dose administration.

There is no information about the pharmaceutical laboratory

Another studio que ha la covid vaccinación las reticencias evaluated, developed by researchers at la Universidad Abierta de Cataluña, que conclude los jóvenes son los que más la han rechazado. The report was published in a scientific journal PLOS ONEdestaca, en primer lugar, la important de que vulnerable groups are weak.

Dr. and Professor Salvador Macip, Dr. and Professor Hans Eguia, and researcher and Professor Marina Bosque led the study, led by Francesc Saigí, Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Digital Health.

Our interviewer A More than 4300 peoplehan concluido que speed con la que se pusieron a disposibilidad de la sociedad las distinta vacunas y mistrust of pharmaceutical laboratories crearon un contexto de dudas y suspicacias sobre estos nuevos medicamentos y Its general applicationit's a distraction that thousands of people are a part of.

El rumors de los trombos

También destacan el papel de las redes sociales como Lies and disinformation boosters (fake news) with the aim of creating an environment of distrust towards vaccines and the new methods used in their production, such as ARN messaging technology.

Incluso, tal y como se resalta en el information, This is normal common caso puntales como los trombossupposedly resulted from the inoculation of this innovative treatment.

There is a space for the formation of the menorah.“It is likely that they were a social collective that accepted that the menos caused the problems caused by covid because they saw less benefit from the vaccine,” said researcher Salvador Macip.

Until June 30, 2023 87% of the population had bought az España at least one dose de la vacuna contra la covid, y Fully 86% protectedbye Latest publications for Gobierno. La cobertura completa de adolescentes (4 million) reaches 95.8%.

Details of a person aged 18-29 receiving the third dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at the Pavones Health Center in Madrid on February 3, 2022. (Photo: Jesús Hellín / Europa Press)