In the last text “Pan y Circo”, aseveraba que, muy oftene, olvidamos la historia y como se suele decir, corremos el risego de repetiterla. However, above all, it can often be noted, only intenenciaadamente los peores ejemplos intenenciaadamente los peores ejemplos pretéritos para conseguir nuestros apetitos inconfesables, via mediate recursos deleznables del passado. Another fact of recovery from the bad example of the past, also referring to the political struggle, is the Roman idiom “divide and impera” (“divide y dominarás”).
Starting from a small area in the center of actual Italy (El Lazio), the Romans expanded and conquered the rest of the Italian peninsula, most of the actual European countries, as well as the coastal countries. This last allowed them to baptize this sea as “Mare Nostrum”. It played an important role in the proverb “divide and conquer”, which is the strategic foundation on which the empire will be strengthened. This strategy allowed the Romans to disrupt existing power structures in the territories they conquered and/or to avoid a coalition of smaller power groups that could have hindered the conquests or threatened their dominance in the conquered territories.
The relevance and functionality of this technique is historically well documented. First of all, for the Romans themselves, who used it to double the new territory of the empire and to avoid unrest and rebellion in their own country. In the modern world, Christian kings took advantage of the Muslim division in the Taifas kingdoms to advance the Reconquista, which was closed by the Catholic Kings with the conquest of the Nazarene kingdom of Granada in 1492. However, Hernán Cortés also used it to conquer Mexico: he took advantage of the division and conflict of the local tribes to confront the majority tribe of the Aztecs, who enslaved them. You can learn more about creating an Imperio Colonial Británico in India only in English. In the field of politics, F. Mitterrand also used it to reach the presidency of France; dividió a la derecha, agglutinada and el gaullista RPR (Rassemblement pour la République), dominated by FN (Front National) from JM Le Pen. Something similar was done by Pedro Sánchez with the support of Yolanda Díaz to create “Sumar” and thus weaken and stop Podemos. Todos estos casos illustran la persistence del uso de resources —eficaces pero deleznables— del pasado para dividir y así dominar y mandar.
Pedro Sánchez, the maestro of divide and conquer
Pedro Sanchez, Dr. Cum Fraude y semianalfabetoes un alumno aventajado en el uso del adagio romano “divide and impera”. Efecto, este constructor de muros, por un lado, ha provocado crispación, odio, resentimiento, disensos y enfreentamientos, polarizando y dividiendo systematically a la sociedad espanola: “progresistas” (?) vs. “fachas” (?); Hombres vs. women jubilados vs. jovenes inquilinos vs. tenants vs. officials trabajadores por cuenta ajena; Policía Nacional and Guardia Civil vs. Mossos and Ertzaintza; CC.AA. solidarity, leales y legales vs. CC.AA. insolidarias, desleales and illegal; etc.
There are ETA, independent, opposite sides to Spain, buscan terminals to reach La Moncloa and have higher power. Constitución de la degradación de la Constitución aunque sea aunque sea, que propició la Transición y es el fundamento del orden del legal y del democratic system. Basta con recallar la “Ley de la amnistía”, que rompe el principio de la igualdad ante la ley de todos los españoles. “cuponazo basco” record for Catalanes, 12,000 million deuda deuda Deuda Catalana (ones 88,000 million euros), los ispañoles desde el point de vista del esfuerzo fiscal. Cite the “Ley de Memoria Histórica,” transmutada or “Ley Memoria Democrática,” which revives the “two Spains” of which Antonio Machado speaks. Just con…
La Ruina de la España de las Autonomías
But hecho más grave y trascendente del uso del uso del “divide y dominarás” se produjo con la “España de las Autonomías” (cf. Title VIII of the 1978 Constitution). All the political parties and current ones who created conditions for the transition process are responsible for it. Before the current centrifugal drift, only VOX advocates a new restructuring of powers and the end of the taifa kingdoms of the State of Autonomies.
Para los politólogos, “España de las Autonomías” was the result of a “café para todos” proposed to confront the unequal claims of some Spanish regions (País Vasco and Cataluña). Y, hoy, except VOX, ningún partido la pone entredicho, ya que es una bicoca que permite, por lado, satisfarer el apetito de poder de la casta politica; y, por el otro, proparicar un medio de subsistence bir un ejército de paniaguados que no tandrian donde caerse muertos. For economists, this represents a waste of resources (they duplicate and overlap Central Government structures) and the growth of “bureaucracy” (results de la hyperregulation) that only creates barriers to economic activity and complicates life.
Some analysts refer to this Spain of 17 nations as a failed state, a “chapuzacracy” that doesn't know or can't face the worst of the situation: among others, the Covid-19 pandemic and the current floods in the territories of Valenciana, Castilla-La Mancha and Andalucia. Therefore, you can use ANTI-CC.AA. que piensan que o acapamos con el Estado Autonómico o éste acapará con España gives the Roman adagio “divide et impera” a new reason to survive.
“Unity creates strength”
Así reza un popular refrain —que los romanos sabiamente habian formulatedo también con el adage “Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno” (“uno para todos, todos para uno”)— para alcanzar el eschito o salir airoso de una situación dif. Therefore, forgetting the slogan with which the “Communista Manifesto” ends, transmisción, los sindicatos clase, pueden ser partizans del Estado de las Autonomías (Spain is divided) this world, unity!
The sin embargo, the management of the “res pública” by Pedro Sánchez and the shift of the State of autonomies to the center are combative with the division to follow and monitor the tenant in La Moncloa (Pedro Sanchez). to enjoy the prebendas del poder (la hypernumerosa casta politica “apesebrada”). You can communicate with each other, connect, write one-on-one; After that, s estamos divididos, estamos irremediablemente perdidos. Y seremos victimas propiciatorias de la egolatra, corrupta y cleptómana Casta ítica, que no es parte de la solution sino parte del problema; And Spain will count its days as a political entity with its own identity.
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