Pedro Sánchez and his disciplined ministers have long occupied the seats and halls of Congress with a barrage of insults, lies and even vulgar gestures against the parliamentary opposition. What they could not imagine was the “real mud” caused by the uncontrolled and unpredictable alluvium of storm waters accompanied by “cañas y barro” as a result of the cold drop now known as Dana (Depresión Aislada de Niveles Altos). Destructive and reguero dejar in the Valencia region. El “fango” de su discurse se ha convertido en su propia pesadilla…
I was commenting by an enfermero from Málaga, one of the thousands of young volunteers from Andalusia and other latitudes of Spain who came to zone 0, the sweet and sour taste that left in his mind a Massanassa, uno de los pueblos valencianos gravemente afectados. Según me relataba, era indescribible su dolor e impotencia ante la visión apocalíptica de tanta gente rota por la destrucción de vidas, viviendas, comercios s una angustia difícil de olvidar. What is beyond comprehension is that in the face of this tragic scenario involving our beloved region of Spain, Valencia, and our entire nation today, politicians of one constellation or another suggest alarming levels of incompetence and even inhumanity.
Por un lado Pedro Sánchez, escondido “cobardemente” bajo el paraguas del poder, huyendo ¡a Baku! It is an absurd and pointless affirmation to sarcastically pronounce at the COP29 Summit: “el cambio climática mata”. Su falaz proposito no era otro que no enfrentarse a las urgent preliminary inquiries que sobre esta esta esta catástrofe debe responder y dar cuenta ante los pueblo español representatives. Should he, along with some members of his government, have to answer to justice on the day he disappoints that “public assistance” which has been so badly extended, and which the angry citizens of Paiporta so vehemently demand? and random visit?
By Carlos Mazón, incomprehensible ausencias, mistakes and remarkable falta da personal politics, le esparan díasrques sía sía sía sía sília dicial ante tanta demandi de explicaciones y daños que sus conciudadanos y administrados han sufrido. Obviously, his political trajectory has a very unhappy end marked on the calendar, but it's not too late.
I left with the words of Don Gustavo Marcelo Riveiro, priest of the parish of San Jorge, one of Paiporta's parishes: “The recovery will be long and there are many wounds, much pain and much anger, but I think that all these pains are opportunities for spiritual renaissance as well as social.”
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