The “Street Art Plus of the Diputación” project continues its journey in the province of Jaen through the Jaenícolas brand. “Dieciséis nuevas localities Jienneses will count this year with a city wall to review the artistic work of the young graffiti artists of Jiennes, as well as to highlight the important role played by youth groups in our province”, Maria Dolores Ruiz, representative of Igualdad y Juventud, also emphasized the comfort of the work done by the provincial administration , “que sigue apostando por las politicas juventud with the projection of numerous initiatives” destinadas a este colectivo y que tienen como fin el asentamiento de los jóvenes en nuestras zonas rurales”.
In total, Jenin has about 40 settlements with less than 20,000 inhabitants, which attract more attractive tourism for our municipalities, change the urban aspect, bring creative, relevant and dynamic art to young people. Remembering that these graffiti were counted, Ruiz noted with an interactive map, “para que los jóvenes puedan realizar una ruta por los distintos murales y allowas les simismo conocer el potencial artístico y cultural de nuestros pueblos”.
Banos de la Encina, Arquillos, Albanchez de Magina, Sabiote, Bailén, Hinojares, Mancha Real, Frailes, Torreblascopedro, Espeluy, Begíjar, Huelma, Torres de Albanchez, Jimena, Jamilena and Lahiguera are the ten new municipalities that will operate this year. a mural urbano, “they adapt the loads of artists such as Ana Corazón, Marifé Rozalén, Mónica Icat, Javier Aldarias, Antonio Santoyo. (Furyo) and Manuel Delgado (Murfin)”, added the responsible person in the area of equality and youth of the Jiennense provincial administration. In each of the works included in this initiative, a QR code will be installed on the same panel and will be linked to a web address that will provide information about the municipality and its tourist attractions. It is directed to an interactive map so that you can see the web page of the consultant for Jaenícolas.
Among the municipalities that created a graffiti frame in the Street Art Plus project are Torredelcampo, Baeza, La Carolina, Arjona, Fuensanta, Noalejo, Valdepeñas de Jaén, Marmolejo, Cazorla, Mengíbar, Bedmar y Garcíez, Villanueva del Arzobispo, Camping de Gillo. Arenas, Orcera, Alcaudete, Chilluévar, Los Villares, Martos, Santa Elena, Escañuela, Santiago de Calatrava, Larva, Ibros, Fuerte del Rey, Navas de San Juan, Castellar, Vilches, Cabra del Santo Cristo, Beas de Segura, Cambil, Castillo de Locubín, Jaen, Torredonjimeno, Jodar, Rus, Pozo Alcón, Torreperogil and Benatae.
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