Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Empleo, Empresa y Trabajo Autónomo, Destina al nuevo programa de empleo Andalucía Activa to 97 councils of the province and 6 local autonomous entities (ELAS.ruc). 1114 unemployed young people (up to 35 years old) and over 45 years old. The representative of the government, Jesús Estrella, led the act of handing over the resolutions in favor of the entire province to a total of 103 local entities. Estrella Martínez highlighted the “unanimous municipal response” to this program, which includes all 97 municipal councils and 6 of the 9 ELAS (Garcíez, El Centenillo, El Mármol, La Bobadilla, Mures and Estación Linares-Baeza).
Estrella Martínez emphasized that this is “a program whose purpose is to promote employment in the local area” and to improve employment through work experience. In addition, he stated that Andalucía Activa “is working to activate direct employment in each municipality, promoting the local employment of vulnerable groups: young people under 35 and over 45”. Precisely – he elaborates – these two groups together (in October 2024) account for 82.24% of the state's unemployment, so the relevance of this employment initiative to fight unemployment in these two groups is particularly sensitive. In this sense, he said, “councils will have contracts that will last 6 months for a full day and will receive €10,500 per contract”. It was also clarified that “the councils have identified and designed the projects to be implemented by the contracted persons included in the quotation groups from 4 to 10”.
El delegado del Gobierno emphasized that we are talking about the fourth employment plan of the province of Jaén. “La Junta de Andalucía has made possible four employment plans, based on the employment plan for the year, which has injected about 53.4 million euros into the state of Jaén, which increased 5,500 contracts last year”. “Remember, – he reminded – Andalucía Activa is part of the youth employment program recently presented by the president of the Junta de Andalucia, Juan Manuel Moreno, in which we will invest 500 million euros in Andalucía. For workers from vulnerable groups, majors (45 years old)”.
At the beginning, the budget allocated to the Andalucía Activa program in the state of Jaén was 9.91 million euros for 929 contracts. However, as defined in his program, the initial installment could be increased in the event of a budget surplus, eventually increasing imports by 18% and contracts by 20%. You will not be able to build complementary actions.
Andalucía Activa consists of two lines: Una Line 1 is designed for municipalities with up to 50,000 inhabitants for the recruitment of two age groups (young people between 18 and 35 years and 45 years or more); y una Línea 2 de For municipalities with 50,000 inhabitants for persons who have been mayor for 45 years.
Andalucía Activa also combines tutoring and orientation of beneficiaries. Adequate supplement to increase the employment of contracting parties. 6 meses decir with an important laboratory experience, durante los los a la vez orientation que, a la vez orientation que la vez orientation que a la vez orientation que , que ayuda les a mantenerse actives en el mercado laboral (y por tanto diminuyen las probabilitas de ser parados de larga duración), a la vez orientation quealla que perciben refuerza sus capacities y sus tools para integrarse y permainan en el mercado laboral.
Many different projects
Los proyectos que van desarrollar que studiss in El Andalucía Activa son ten a variados. These include municipal offices and programs for ayuda services and housing. Brave jobs in gardens, reforestation and reforestation of gardens, countryside and forests were created. There are institutions that prioritize activities such as tourism activities, creation of tourist destinations, promotion of cultural heritage and support for local trade. It also includes the promotion of acts in museums. Cleaning works and construction works, adaptation of municipal buildings and urban spaces is another area with various projects. También se va realizar mejoras en los services de attention al ciudadano, se va trabajar en approachamiento de administration y en el asesoración en plattami digitales de administration, initiatives que pretende impulsar la administration elektrona. Animación deportivas is a cabo initiative to attract cultural, childhood and youth, socio-educational attention. Improving lighting systems, electricity and iron works, as well as maintaining water networks or cleaning river channels are other options. It also includes the organization of archives and libraries, the digitization of documents and the promotion of reading. Another option is es la del asesoración sobre formationa y empleo. Diseño de cartelería and soporte physical and digital, coordination and tejido associativo, extensive list of projects of these municipalities.
Contact Emplea-T
The Consejería de Empleo, Empresa y Trabajo Autónomo tiene abierto el plazo, hasta el próximo lunes, noviembre 18, para que las corporaciones puedan otro programa de ayudas, la line 7 del programa Emplea-T, decentiv des for emplea. de jóvenes menores de 30 años. In particular, four lines were called for the province of Jaén, which will be calculated with an investment of 20 million euros, of which the line for the municipalities is up to 11 million euros.
In concrete terms, this line 7 will promote the employment of minors under the age of 30 who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Guarantee System with contracts concluded by local corporations in projects of up to 18 months. Contracts must be carried out in price groups 1 to 3, where the university group is highlighted, thus complementing the beneficiaries of the Andalucía Activa Program, which is limited to price groups 4 to 10. As opposed to 21,000 euros, 25,000 euros are listed as jobs worth 1,000 euros, depending on the group.
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