'The art of mandar bien' according to Gan Pampol, a challenge in the style of Carlos Mazon

'The art of mandar bien' according to Gan Pampol, a challenge in the style of Carlos Mazon

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazon, continues his strategy remodelar el gobierno en stages. El pasado viernes he announced that cambios out, entre ellos la establishment of the vice-presidency for reconstruction. El Domingo confirmed that Susana Camarero will serve as vice president as well as acting. porter. Este lunes se conoció el cese de Nuria Montes y el nombramiento de la Presidenta de la Asociación Valenciana del Calzado together with the industrial chancellery.

This Tuesday, in the latest part of that process so far, it was announced that the lieutenant general is retiring from Earth Army. Blood Pampolsserá quien asuma esas vicepresidencia de reconstruction. Finally, Salomé Planas is undercover to deal with issues related to the Consular Extraordinary Consular for urgent consultations on internal affairs.

Management of Pampollar and shock with Mazon

The appointment of Gan Pampols, who has extensive military experience, introduces a new approach to the Mazon government. Pampols, apart from his career in the Army Author of The Art of Mandar Bienen el que comparte las lecciones aprendidas durante 44 años, alternative entre obediencia y mando. The text offers a vision of leadership based on military discipline and clear principles that avoids potential conflicts compared to Mazon's rule.

Pampols sostenie, por ejemplo, que un buen líder nunca debe “Personal Decisions and Politics” y que la prevention es clave cuando hay vidas en juego. These views contrast with the recent action of Valencia's president, who has not interrupted his public agenda during the floods in Valencia, even helping with business lunches as the city faces a crisis.

En su libro, Pampols deca un capítulo a Management can come out of any situationHe touched on the importance of communication in order not to lose the trust of citizens. One of his recommendations is to refrain from producing reports that seek to exonerate those responsible, which seem far removed from Mazo's attitude, which directs accusations against the central government but avoids taking responsibility.

Regarding the dam break, Mazon openly questioned why the government did not take the lead if it knew about the impending disaster. At the same time, Mazon pointed to the Hydrographic Confederation, criticized the Unidad Militar de Emergencias, and pointed to Minister Teresa Ribera as he offered conflicting explanations for his administration. Pampols, en cambio, sostenie que un líder no debe dar informationos condictorias ni siquiera frente a otras administracionesy debe ser transparente, sin caer en mentiras or to deform.

Pampols confirms this “El error no es un problema, pero la inacción sí”. With respect to Mazón with this opposite cobra compatibility, quien ha reconnoir errors de manera poco bluntente y sin pedir disculpas claras. According to Pampol, the ability to apologize is key to maintaining power, especially in critical situations such as wars, pandemics, or life-threatening emergencies.

In this context, the management of Pampols is above all un manual que contrace de forma directa la strategy followed by Mazon so far, It creates expectations and possible tensions in the direction of the Valencian government.