Este jueves selebró el primary pleno In the presence of Lieutenant Carlos Mazo, second vice president after the president, in the Valencian Cortes General Gan Pampols. Located in Pampols, Gobierno bank He did not show support because he did not welcome the speech of President Mazon or his colleagues.
Of course, nothing Enfrentamiento entre Mazón y el Gobierno centerYou can contact DANA. The president of Valencia insisted on what was good las ayudas del Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez gives a loan, a devolver con is interested. “Más que el 'si quieren algo, que lo pidan', es 'si quieren algo, que lo paguen y que lo devuelvan con intereses'”, the expression of Mazón.
Desde el Ejecutivo center, la ministra spokesperson Pilar Alegría denied these assertions, stressing that the aid was “direct” and “no se tienen que devolver”. Alegría called the president's messages “irresponsible”, according to him, “son falso y pueden confundir a la ciudadanía”. “Las ayudas directas does not require a refundy por supuesto, no se está cobrando ningun tipo de interes”, said the minister.
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