Rubén del Campo (Aemet) explains that “red level” notifications have been activated in Valencia since the morning.

Rubén del Campo (Aemet) explains that “red level” notifications have been activated in Valencia since the morning.

Antonio García Ferreras says: “At 1:50 p.m., never expected” Rubén del Campo, portavoz de la Aemetque entra entra en directo en Al Rojo There is clearly something terrible going on with Vivo. Calf.

“Así es,” del Campo replied. “Regardless of the situation, you can get into it. Almost all provinces within 9.30 hours (Valencia). Realmente, se lluvia torrentenciales y precipitaciones muy intensas, but this is extremely interesting. However, the episode happened earlier before it had a major impact. Por desgracia, más de lo que todos esperábamos”, added the expert.

Explica el Experience Tal como, las tormentas se succedieron unas tras otras. Regarding problem solving. “If it's a storm that releases a lot of water but passes quickly, about 30 to 45 minutes, it can cause problems, but not the magnitude that leaves storms that continuously recover. It was a very favorable situation for that to happen.” : Con la DANA situada en el gulfo de Cádiz, con vientos de levante que llegaban del Mediterráneo muy cargados of atmospheric moisture (…) Tormentas una tras otras regenarando y que en pocas horas dejaurón dejauvia tantall como la que puede caer en una año completo”. En el video give a full explanation.