Alerta en Valencia por el riesgo del fuerte viento en los pueblos de la DANA: these are recommendations

Alerta en Valencia por el riesgo del fuerte viento en los pueblos de la DANA: these are recommendations

Special notice en Valencia ante un episodio de fuertes rachas de viento: el Emergency Coordination Center recommends extremar las precautions en elements que puedan verse afectados por el impacto del viento.

Director General of Fire Protection, Rosa TourísInformed the questions raised at the CECOPI meeting attended by the President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazonand Minister of Territorial Policy, Angel Victor Torres.

According to Tourís, the search for possible victims continues to be one of the “priority questions” for those on the ground, along with the removal of debris, mud, the removal of vehicles in the municipalities and the new climate situation starting this Wednesday. Community of Valencia with a strong westerly wind.

Pay attention to Eliana's Emergency Coordination Center for “special recommendations”. extreme precautions in elements such as cranes, carps, supports of pieces o cualquier otro elemento que pueda verse afecta por el impacto del viento y revisar eyvans y cornisas que puedan ser vulnerable de caidas”.

Especially -añadió Tourís- y, “Aténdiendo a que pueden haberse visto afectados por los efectos de la DANA, se musteran extremar todas las prophylactic means and todas las zonas con arbolado, reccomendado también el. cierre de parques y zonas deportivas al aire free“.

In addition, a special preventive operation was established by all fire services of the Community of Valencia due to this wind episode.

En estos momentos se mantiente la alerta por vientos nivel naranja en el interior sur de la province de Valencia y la alerta por vientos nivel amarillo and interior north de la province de Valencia and north de la province de Castellón.

When especially activated, los fuertes vientos de poniente will be extended until Thursday with maximum winds of up to 90 kilometers per hour. On the coast of Valencia, at the greatest distance of 60 km/hy, it is carried out without any problems.

In order to avoid health complications due to airborne dust in the areas affected by DANA, the Generalitat insists that Use mascara with FFP2tanto en interiores como en el exterior, gafas, calzados adequados y manga larga.

El CECOPI takes preventive measures before a strong wind episode. EE

El polvo en suspension puede suponer un riesgo para la salud de la población generaland for particularly vulnerable people (children, the elderly, pregnant women, or people with acute or chronic illnesses such as asthma).

On the other hand, you need to reduce all activities to free air, which is necessary, while maintaining the air quality problems in affected municipalities.

The recommendations were approved by the response team Public HealthEn la que participating experts de la Conselleria de Sanidad y del Nazirio de Sanidad.

This group has been meeting every day since its inception on November 3, after the previous day's meeting consultant de Sanidad, Marciano Gomezand Minister of Health, Monica Garciajunto members of their teams.

Other recommendations

Recommended for use the ratio is 1/10 (1 tapón de lejía with up to 1 liter of water) la limpieza de objetos, paredes, suelo y cecho; y utilizar gloves y gafas para evitar la irritation en la piel por el uso de la lejía.

Do not use with other cleaning products (ammonia, salfumán, vinagre…) to avoid toxic fumes that can irritate mucous membranes, skin or respiratory tract.

Likewise, the caveat that DANA is used in affected populations continues It is interesting from each other.

Retira de enseres y lodos

Other actions for core regeneration are designed for urban regeneration and volume regeneration.

The Director General of Fire Protection explained that “en este momento el objetivo es”. Remove the residueYou can realize cities like Aldaia, Sedavi, Algemesí, Guadassuar y Alcudia”.

He noted that “Of course, there are “final finals”. The patient was evacuated 90,000 tons.

Respecto a la maquinaria necessaria para estos trabajos, se mantenien en torno a 140 Trucks to remove sludge to improve pipes and drains and thus “not to block drains to prevent problems in homes”.

A spokesperson for CECOPI said he was detained mapeo de bajos y garages afectados “To create an efficient staff work plan in collaboration with the municipalities through the Generalitat and the Diputación” and claimed that they had already been checked. More than 500 garages.

Finally, Rosa Tourís reviewed the evolution of the task of searching for possible victims. Offshore operations that include Albufera, El Barranco del Poyo y Loriguilla, and other zones.

Sobre el terreno

1,165 bombers from 40 organizations and 8,499 Ejército personnel are deployed on the ground, of which 2,103 belong to the UME, and more than 800 Civil Defense volunteers from all over Spain.

In the field of civil security, there are 9,728 agents between the Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado, the national police and the civil guard, more than 500 members of the local police and more than 130 members of the Generalitat Police.

The search-and-rescue operation is conducting sea-surface work, mapping the channels and their areas of influence and deep searches in Albufera, Barrando del Poyo and Loriquilla.

It's been an exceptional, long time until November 25 Por Parte de la Autoridad Portuaria las measures to limit sea swimming