May be required 'No los despidos, no a la deslocalización. For the manual worker' ha abierto called this Saturday in the city of Zaragoza Tauste to condemn the mobilization called by the company committee of the TI Fluid System Automotive plant.Multinational car company's decision to lay off 60 workers (most women), 17% of employees.
Demonstrators shouted slogans with the help of megaphones and sirens during a noisy protest that repeated through the streets of the neighborhood from the Casa de Cultura of the municipality of Cincovilles to the desembocar in front of the city hall. It was planted in the direction of ERE. “No los despidos, queremos trabajar” se ha escuchado insistentemente durante la protesta en la que haccording to the organizers, not only the workers of the plant, but also their relatives and city neighbors que se solidarizan y apoyan con los afectados.
“The aim was to take the situation out of the street and publicly condemn the lack of industrial policy to protect employment. Estamos en el negocio pure y duro y tenemos que entrar obligados a los despidos pionido encima de la mesa una delocalización y es muy duro para el pueblo y para la comarca habla de tantos despidos”, Horse Cell, responsible for “Habla de tantos despidos”, Federation of Industry CC. OO. Aragon. Hornero recalled that the plantilla had previously decided to leave the street Negative effects of the worker can cause traumatic effects.
«En las dos last meetings la empresa rejected the feasibility of the proposed temporary employment regulation, flexibility measures, redundancy, reduction of working hours.…Se centra única y exclusiva en hablar de despidos”, detailed the representative of the union, who criticized the factory for “investing only in the electric car and not coming back to bring more projects”.
El futuro de estos empleados volverá a la Noviembre 13 denegotiation el próximo miércoles. The company said that it will attend the meeting with a proposal to the committee, although I did not give more details. “We don't know if he will talk about reducing the love for the ERE, if he will propose to improve the conditions of the social compensation plan or what measures he will take,” he recognized after the mobilization. Union Policy of CC Industry. OO.
However, you meet Hornero. “an essential condition for forma clara negotiations”. The committee will remind the company that “relocation is not appropriate for regulating employment for use that it accepts and must be made in the face of the destruction of employment by relocation. must face the society and bear responsibility”.
Y si el miércoles hey avances, el representative union advierte que la protesta “podría endurecerse”.
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