Juan del Val criticizes the Government's reaction after Aldama's statements: “Un poquito más de explicaciones síría necesario”

Juan del Val criticizes the Government's reaction after Aldama's statements: “Un poquito más de explicaciones síría necesario”

Juan del Val ha opinado sobre las declaraciones de Victor Aldama durante su ultima appearecencia ante el juez, tras la cual quedó free. According to the entrepreneur, he gave Jose Luis Abalos and Koldo up to 600,000 euros in cash.

“No one knows whether what is being said is true or not,” commented Juan del Val La Roca. However, Consider que el testimonio de Cheat result “just believable“.

The employee focused his analysis on Aldama's statements, not on them la “respuesta” of recida por el Gobierno libertad del empresario tras la puesta en. “There are enough components to give me enough answers, but I need 'me,'” he said.

“No, very nice, un poquito More explanation is required“, Del Val emphasized, especially given that Aldama talked about payments in sobres and mentioned “a cuatro ministerios”.certain details” que Aldama mencionó en su declaration, como “El Viaje de Delcy Rodriguez“.

Learn more in the La Roca video.