It was a tense moment between Begonia Gomez and the opposition at the beginning of the declaration.

It was a tense moment between Begonia Gomez and the opposition at the beginning of the declaration.

It was a tense moment between Begonia Gomez and the opposition at the beginning of the declaration.

Appearance Begonia Gomez en la Asamblea de Madrid ha arrancado este miercoles con un momentary voltage Between the wife of the president of the government and the MP Mercedes Zarzalejo, who is the spokesperson of the investigative commission on illegalities at the Complutense University of the People's Party (UCM). At the beginning of his statement, Gomez said that the commission was seeking political interests to “gather complaints and lies” against him, which is something that incites people. Immediate reaction from PP spokesperson.

Before the mutual adjournments, Jesús Celada, the vice president of the Socialists in the Assembly, addressed the president of the commission, Susana Pérez Quislant, and defended Gomes. se respetasen los turnos de palabra. “Le pido que exija a la deputada que guarde el dueto respeto a la appeariente,” said Celada, president of the commission, Susana Pérez Quislan.

For his part, Zarzalejo criticized Gomes for not answering his question. “O hecho una pregunta muy concreta, que es que explicate cuál es su vinculación con la Universidad Complutense”ha recriminado la portavoz famous.

Thus, Peres Quislant asked the parties to be silent. “Señora Zarzalejo, vamos a dejar terminar ese minuto que ha pedido la arraciente, que estamos controlando”, ha reclamada, para later turn to Gomez and remind him that the procedure is as follows. “pregunta-respuesta” dynamic que ella puede “contestar o no”, rogandolo que finalice su primera intervention.

Gómez went on to talk about his professional career, which he said he developed “with great effort” and “como una más”. “Todo esto tiene un objetivo politico is clear. Only hey que fijarse en la lista denuncantes”, he assured later. Acogerse a su derecho and no declarar.